About Town – July 1, 2024
“Love one another.”
Cindy McLoud, Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation Director, greeted the guests who had come to hear the awards announcements and to enjoy a meal paid for by three Boards: Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center, KCEDF, and the Eads Chamber of Commerce. Cindy coordinated three groups to make these awards known to the public.
Sunday evening, the staff at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center and Director Tristan Sheridan prepared a lovely spicy and tasty southwestern meal with a variety of desserts in buffet style. After dinner Betsy Barnett, Chair of the CLCEC board, spoke to the audience. This meeting also served as the CLCEC board’s annual meeting to update people on the happenings and progress of projects at the Plains Theatre and the buildings that they own. CLCEC members include Marty Miller, Kim Richards, Alicia James, Claire Prince, Charlene Gifford, Nicol Keplar, and Connie Shotton. Sean Kraft has been hired to be manager of the theater and the Ice Cream Shoppe. Betsy explained some of the exiting plans for the renovation of the two empty buildings to the south of the theatre, which are being renovated to be the county library, which will be more handy for adults and children on Maine Street. Betsy shared a long list of families and groups who are volunteers for the concession stand and projects. We are blessed to have people coming from towns like Lamar since they do not have a regular movie theatre any more. We are so fortunate in our town to have a wonderfully restored movie theatre with luscious red velvety seats! Betsy also explained about the future plans of constructing the new Library on Maine Street in the two adjoining billings the CLCEC owns, the former pool hall.
Chamber of Commerce President Dennis Pearson, then greeted the people and explained the Volunteer of the Year, Citizen of the Year, and Business of the Year awards. I had the pleasure of presenting facts about our Citizen of the Year, Sabrina Dawn (Gulley) James. Some facts that I pointed out were that Dawn was a very bright student in high school, active in Knowledge Bowl - which she later sponsored she became an educator at Eads High School - as well as a leader in the Colorado state organization. She was an active Pep Club member and, as a teacher, was a sponsor for many years. She and her husband, Louis James, have four college-educated children. Dawn is a leader in the local Republican Party, Chair of the school district’s Accountability Committee, the County Museum, has been a 4-H leader, as well as a musical leader in the church communities and many other organizations.
Dennis Pearson announced that the Volunteers of the Year are the Eads Golf Club, which brings many people to town, and also welcomes the Eads High School to practice on their course. These two awardees will be the marshals for the Kiowa County fair parade. The Business of the Year will be announced later.
Librarians Kemma Alfano and Valorie Briggs are making plans for another terrific summer reading program for children preschool through sixth grade June 26, July 3, 10, and 17 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at the courthouse.
Weisbrod residents had a special treat last Saturday night when C.N.A. nurse, Brenda, from Tribune, Kansas, introduced her husband, John Leon. John sang a wonderful concert of songs by popular western artists. We liked him, and will welcome him to return soon!
I saw Terry Aldrich inspecting the beautiful rose bushes that she planted last year which I was concerned about. I asked her where she learned so much about landscaping and plants. She is from Texas, and met Brian Patterson in the south. She showed me photos of homes and estates that she has landscaped that are so absolutely gorgeous. One home is near Limon.
July 5 at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. are the performances of the Children’s Theatre at the Plains Theatre in Eads featuring local youth with local director, Merina Lowe.
Lola Igou was eager to go to the Ice Cream Shoppe last Sunday evening when her daughter, Nikki, was visiting from Karval.
Linda Trosper wrote a message that her son’s family home is safe from the destructive wild fires at Ruidoso, New Mexico. His wife, Lessa, has returned from a mountain camp and their daughter, Ryha, has no cell phone service on the island where she is on a mission trip.
JaNae, Rahlie, and Milo Voss visited their grandmother, Terry Voss, and took her to lunch at The Brew and shopping in Lamar. JaNae is a Kit Carson School and Pikes Peak Community College graduate, and is now a neonatal nurse in St. Francis-Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs.
Pray for protection against wild fires in our dry, dry county. Peace.