About Town – March 18, 2024
“Let us not Love with words or speech but with actions win actions and in truth.” I John 3:18
Basketball season has come to an end. The Cheyenne Wells Tiger boys team won the Colorado State Championship after playing the McClave Cardinals. The Eads and Kit Carson girls teams played in two games at the state tournament that were great to watch on our new wide screens.
Linda Hopkins, our Assistant Activities Director, went for a short time to watch her tiny grandson, Ryker, at the youth wrestling tournament last Saturday morning. We enjoyed her report that there were about 250 little boys. The Uhland brothers work to make a smoothly run tournament. The ladies of the Uhland family were on the stage tabulating the many mats of wrestlers.
The bridal shower for Ashlie Decker and Jayce Negley in the Eads Senior Citizen Center was so lovely. The hosts were Alicia James, Shayla Frey, and Chelsea Bolin. They assisted Ashlie in opening their gifts while the guests enjoyed the delicious refreshments from fruit and vegetable trays with wonderful pudding-filled cream puffs. Ashlie’s mother, grandmother, and others came from Texas, and Jayce’s mother, grandmother, and sister and daughter came from Greeley, as well as his aunt from Highlands Ranch.
Annetta Maxey of Kit Carson, representing the Eads Baptist Church, hosted the church hour at Weisbrod Hospital and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community last Sunday. Annetta’s devotion was based on the “Parable of the Pothole.” Anetta plays the piano beautifully, and the melodies floated down both halls.
Bill and Linda Trosper brought and put up a pretty March display in the Weisbrod dining room. The five shamrock and lace arrangements were design by that artistic lady, Deb Kliesen. Madonna (Wissel) Pollries painted roses on the green gingham lunch cloth hanging on the rack.
The granddaughters of Lane and Deborah Gooden, Jaselyn and Devrah, won the Elk’s Hoop Shoot contest in La Junta, and progressed to the District Hoop Shoot in Salida. There, they both qualified to compete in the State Elk’s completion in Canon City, where Deverah placed second! They are the daughters of Jason and Tiffanie (Gooden) Muth of Cheyenne Wells.
The Kiowa County Hospital District health fair will be March 29-30 from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the elementary school in Eads. Some sites are free, and others you pay for at registration.

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Shirley Watts had a grand time traveling over the mountain pass to the San Luis Valley to a birthday party for her great grandson, Luke. His father, Wes Richardson, was especially happy to show his grandmother their new home south of Alamosa, much of which he constructed.
When we went to a movie in Eads, I was thrilled to see how wonderfully Marty Barnett has painted the lobby of the Plains Theatre, enlarged the concession stand, and laid complimentary floor tiles. The movie last weekend was “Cabrini,” which was an enlightening movie about the trials of immigrants who came to New York. Frances Xavier Cabrini was a Catholic nun who traveled to the USA with five other nuns to help orphaned children and begin schools and hospitals. She had many trials as she battled stubborn men and terrible prejudice against Italian people. This movie precipitates discussions, especially among women about what we still need to do.
When brunch guests entered the Eads Senior Citizen Center, they were greeted by pretty tables with light green table cloths and pretty ceramic potatoes holding white flowers, greenery, and lace centerpieces which were arranged last year by Lonnie Hier. Jerry Ritchie usually drives up from Lamar to eat and visit with his friends. It is always so good to see this cheerful fellow. The noon lunch will be March 20 for a traditional corned beef dinner. The Haswell senior citizens will have a meal that evening.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce met last week to discuss plans for the annual Kid’s Fishing Day May 19. Families are invited to a noon lunch at the shelter at Jackson’s Pond south of Eads. After the Colorado Parks and Wildlife officer’s presentation, the fishing begins. The Chamber made decisions about the “Citizen of the Year” and the “Volunteer of the Year.” The Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation will decide on the “Business of the Year,” to be presented this spring.
Lacy Lawrence was so kind to bring seven beautiful floral arrangements to Weisbrod Hospital for residents to enjoy. They were given to the three sisters’ families after their parents died. Their funeral was held at the Cheyenne County Community Building. We miss Dean Schick at Weisbrod, and his wife, Lolly’s, frequent visits here.
Bill and Charlotte Woelk bring Shirley Watts and me programs every week from the Sheridan Lake Bible Church. Last Sunday, they were blessed to host all the students and sponsors from Corn Christian Academy in Clinton, Oklahoma. A generous couple from the church family paid for their rooms at the lovely Cobblestone Inn in Eads. The students took part in the morning worship hour, and sang a concert of seven songs and hymns. Their program was on “Abide” in the music and message, based around the scripture from John 15:4 - “Abide in me and I will abide in you.”
Weisbrod Hospital is blessed to have two Physical Therapists who travel every week from Denver. Dr. Dennis Bartha and Joe Zinger are very busy every working hour.