Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - October 8, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe Shields at 5:00 P.M.
Roll call was taken by Robin Fox. Those council members present are
- Tuck Liebl,
- Fred Derby,
- Dennis Pearson,
- Kathy McCracken and
- Mayor Joe Shields,
- Stephanie Sewell absent.
- Mikahael Rogers, assistant Town Clerk, was present.
- Van Brown, Director of Public Works, and
- Trent Rittgers are in attendance.
No public here
September minutes, Dennis Pearson, made a motion to approve the September minutes that were presented. Kathy McCracken seconded the motion. All Aye
A motion was made by Fred Derby to approve the bills from September and seconded by Kathy McCracken. All Aye.
Roger Saffer has not made the corrections yet to his lease that was presented a few months ago. Will table again and board will reach out to him again to get this done.
Pool- The town still needs donations and commitment letters from individuals on what they will donate for the swimming pool. Lisa was present and updated the board on the two grants that she has put in for. The plans have made it to the office and are on site to review. Lisa will keep looking for other grants and keep the board updated. Dennis Pearson will talk to Invenergy about a donation from them.
Proposed budget was presented and accepted by the board, the final budget will be done in December.
The board had an interest for a new board member. Rich O’Bryan has asked to be added to the board and Fred Derby made a motion to accept his letter Dennis Pearson seconded all Aye. Robin will call Rich and tell him he was accepted and when the next meeting will be.
At 6:01P.M. Tuck made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Fred Derby seconded the motion. All Aye.
Joe Shields, Mayor
Robin Fox, Town Clerk