About Town – November 4, 2024
Be thankful.
Last Saturday night, Talera Coen of Lamar took her mother, Vera Hammons of Eads, and Terry and Areta Laird of Eads, to the Southeast Colorado Community Concert Association’s concert at the Lamar High School auditorium. They were so pleased to see and hear wonderful songs and dances from the World War era production, “Letters from Home.” The stars were Erin Dearth, a lovely blonde choreographer and dancer from North Carolina, and a very tall handsome dancer and singer, Dan Beckman from Minnesota. The couple has danced in every state of the United States. Their show in Lamar was a tribute to veterans of all American wars, and was rendered in high energy USO-style show.
Many fans of the Angels softball team, comprised of girls from Eads, Wiley, and McClave, have been thrilled to watch this first year of co-op schools make it to the state contest in Denver. A week ago, there was so much rain standing on the ball field in Wiley that, at the last minute, the district playoff softball game was held at the Eads school field. I heard that there was such loud cheering when our Kennedy Gyurman hit a grand slam home run to win that the noise alarmed many people in neighborhood homes who looked out to see what was going on.
Before the Angel team left for Denver, there was an all-school pep rally in the Eads gymnasium, however there was a volleyball game that had to be played first. Then the other softball team members from the three schools were driven to Denver, while the Eads girls who were on the volleyball team stayed to play in the game. After the game, the rest of the Eads girls were driven to Denver. The next day, they played two games and won. Then they played a game Saturday. A mother explained to me that with “this new system of brackets, we basically were third in state.” Which, I add, is terrific for our first year. Playing softball was great new experience for our talented young women and their families and fans. They made history! Players from Eads were Kara Wilson, Bailey Sierra, Kennedy Gyurman, Anna Wollert, Aspen Nelson, Giana Gibbs, Jordan Turcotte, Lacie Kraft, Lexi Shotton, Lilly Hollis, and Savanna Brown. Wiley players were Dixie Bitner, Gullianna Cicerelli, Hailey Pearson, Itzelle Chacon, and Joyclyn Salgado. From McClave, there were Laila Garcia, Maddie Wertz, and Zoe Martinez.
Saturday morning at the Cobblestone Inn in Eads was the first time many of us have seen the Neal triplets. How delightful! Family and friends came to see and enjoy the little ones, and to celebrate their one-year birthday, along with the new baby, Hunter. Their aunt, Brandy from Russell, Kansas, and their teenage daughters, Cally and Cate, came to arrange elaborate fall decorations and foods. The cupcakes were decorated by their aunt, Dakota, and they met their little cousin, Tucker, from McClave. I can see why their grandmother, Shawn Roberson of Arlington, says “There is always a need for baby diapers.” They were so cute and well behaved, but it is true - it is a full time job around the clock for both parents! I am in awe of these parents, Greg and Carrie.
One of our night care takers, Kaylee, was excited to help her husband, Justin Lenox, sponsor six of his Future Farmers of America students to the FFA national convention for a week in Indianapolis, Indiana. The freshmen students were Lilly Hollis, Lacie Kraft, and Gaige Rittgers; sophomore, Gianna Gibbs; and juniors, Shaine Winder and Jaden Self.
The ladies of Kit Carson Trinity Lutheran Church hosted their yearly Lutheran Women’s Missionary League rally with a southeastern-theme lunch after Jennifer Cowell had welcomed and registered them. Pastor Tom Barton shared a message, and blessed us with guitar music. Karen Roberts, representing the Arapahoe Ladies Circle, explained their mission project over many years to pack mailboxes with gifts for service men and women who are deployed. This was also mission project of our summer vacation bible school children to collect money for gifts to fill soldier boxes. Our speaker was a hometown girl, Brooke (Crawford) Brethe, who has her own business as a Physical Therapist Assistant in Oberlin, Kansas. Her topic, “Temple Building” was how she relates exercise and therapy to foods and nutrition. I was impressed with her command of nutrition and weight control.
Dates to remember
- First Sunday of the month, November 3rd and December 1st is Bingo night at the Eads Senior Center. If you have questions, contact Sarah Seibel Ferris
- First and third Tuesday nights of the month, seniors can come to the Eads Senior Citizen Center to play cards or games. For details, Dana Brown
- The first Wednesday of the month is “Meal of the Month” at the Eads Senior Citizen Center at noon by calling Areta Laird for a “Meal on Wheels”
- The first Thursday of the Month at 10:00 a.m. is brunch, which is potluck or leave a donation at the entry table
- Eads Senior Citizens Center lunch and business meeting is the third Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. This month, a turkey dinner will be served November 20, and ham will be served December 18
- December 22 is the “Merry on Maine” quilt show and street festival.
Happy holidays ahead.