About Town – September 16, 2024
“Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all neighbors of one body.” Ephesians 4:25
Last Tuesday was started off with surprises around the Weisbrod Hospital Extended Care Unit. All the staff had received a gray cloth bag the night before and were asked told to “wear what was inside tomorrow.” So, Tuesday morning, all the employees, nurses, nurse aids, maintenance, dietary, and office staff were dressed in new uniforms. Then, about 3:30 in the afternoon, the available staff met outside for a photo shoot of the surprise. It is a big, long, beautifully-painted turquoise, navy blue, and white mobile care unit - on wheels! Amy Barton showed me cell phone photos to show us how pretty it is. She said, “This traveling medical clinic will be taken to various towns in our county at appointed times. As an added feature of this mobile medical clinic, it will offer the services of a dental hygienist! We have two such ladies in this county that I know of. What a money saver this service van be. Now families won’t have to travel to Lamar, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Garden City, or other places for dental care.

© Chris Sorensen / KiowaCountyPress.net
Our activities director, Jaton, is entertaining us all the time with fun games and stretching our minds and muscles, as well as offering tasty treats.
Each Monday Gail Voss schedules a coffee hour at 2:00 p.m. at the Eads Senior Citizen Center. Last week, Tim Hier asked if anyone wanted some tomatoes from his garden. After several affirmatives, he left the senior center, then he returned with a blue cloth bag of garden-fresh tomatoes, which he shared with the ladies. I brought the remainder to the nursing home to share with some of the residents, especially, Vera Hammons, who had mentioned to me several times , “Oh, I just wish to eat a garden ripe tomato!” While at coffee hour we decided to practice playing Bingo with Sarah Seibel’s new Bingo set that her sister, Jean, gave to her. She is ready to host senior citizens who come to play Bin go on the first Sunday night of the month at 6:00 p.m. They will decide more particulars about how to play the game that evening.
The schools here on the plains are all so busy in their sports seasons. Most schools have teams for youth who want to compete in volleyball, football, golf, and now softball or cross country track. It is good that schools can offer students more options such as these. Thank you to school boards and school staff members who work these details out for the students. Do support these young people, school staff, and officials.
A number of men and women in our county are dealing with treating cancer problems. For some, it is heart wrenching. Won’t you pray for their healing or dealing with this illness?
I like to roll around town to look at the pretty flowering plants in front of businesses and establishments. The two flower pots in front of the newly-opened hair and nail salon by the post office that is operated by Kelli Rouse-Jenson is bursting with fall mums. I like the heavenly blue morning glories that spill over the big cement plant container outside Roger Saffer’s office and the bank. There is a stack of five white smiling pumpkins outside the north black rail entrance of the new Café Bean, which offers wonderful beverages and usually a special meal for midday. Please notice the lovely planters by the Eads Senior Citizen Center that are pampered by Joyce Berry and Cindy McLoud. There are pretty plants in the cement container near the museum that I last saw Kelly Courkamp and Dawn James watering.
After the coach’s wife, nurse Alyssa Hadley Eder, told us the sad news that the Eagle star senior had broken his collar bone in a football game, and we know that thee other good players had injuries, we were glad to hear from Alyssa that all four teams were victorious who traveled to Miami-Yoder last Friday! That is volleyball and football for both junior and senior high school.