American Legion National Commander to be in La Junta
American Legion District 1 and American Legion Post 9 are honored and pleased to announce that the newly elected American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt will be in La Junta, Colorado on Wednesday, September 14, 2016.
Schmidt is a member of The American Legion, Post 63 in Burns, Oregon. Schmidt’s Legion eligibility is derived from 27 years of service in the United States Air Force and he served in Vietnam.
A 32-year, Paid-Up-For-Life member, Charles has served as Post Commander, Post Adjutant, Post Activities and Membership Chairman. He served four years as the District 10 Commander. He was then elected Department of Oregon Vice-Cdr in 2003-2004. He served as Chairman of the Department Membership Commission and was elected Department Commander for 2004-2005.
On the National level he has represented Oregon on the Americanism Children/Youth Counsel, the National Convention Americanism Children/Youth Committee. He has also served on National Convention Constitution Amendment Committees.
In 2005 Department of Oregon elected him as their representative on the National Executive Committee (NEC). Since that time, Schmidt has served on numerous committees including Americanism, Children and Youth, American Legion Baseball, National Convention, Citizens’ Flag Alliance, The American Legion Magazine Commission and as Chairman of the National Executive Committee Liaison Committees to the Internal Affairs Commission and Legislative Commission. Currently he serves on the National Executive Committee Liaison Committee to the Marketing Commission.
Commander Schmidt will be in La Junta, Colorado on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the La Junta City Park. Meet and greet from 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM with a BBQ to follow. American Legion District 1 and American Legion Post 9 are hosting this event. This is a very distinct honor for our District, our Post and Otero County.
At 10:45 AM the American Legion Riders from Post 9, District 1 and local area bikers are escorting the Commander and his entourage to the La Junta City Park from the La Junta Walmart. They will be traveling east on Highway 50 and turning south onto Colorado Avenue. Upon their arrival at the La Junta City Park he will be introduced by State Commander Jay Bowen of Colorado Springs, CO.
Area veterans, their families and local dignitaries are invited to come meet the Commander. For the BBQ luncheon, we will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs. A $5 per person donation is being requested.
Please RSVP to District Commander Jan Bolinger at 719-267-4475 or District Media Liaison Jody Bracy at 620-874-5979.