American Legion Post #125 hosts annual dinner for veterans
American Legion Post #125 held its annual dinner November 11 - Veterans Day - at the Kiowa County Community Building in Eads.
The dinner was sponsored by the Kiowa County Commissioners and Valley-Wide Health, and catered by JJ’s Restaurant. Seventy-seven veterans and guests attended.
The guest speakers for the evening were District 1 Commander Richard Devlin, J.C. Carrica with Valley-Wide Health, Cindy McLoud with the Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation, Moe Sagner with Precision Home, and Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson with the Haswell Quilts of Valor.
Spady and Nelson presented Quilts of Valor to Brian Williams and Gerald McDaniel.
Current Post #125 officers were reelected for the coming year.

Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson (standing) presented Quilts of Valor to Brian Williams and Gerald McDaniel at the annual American Legion Post #125 Veterans Day dinner. Courtesy Roland Sorensen.