CDOT: Campaign Signs Forbidden on State Highway Right-of-Way
Signs unlawful & unsafe
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is reminding supporters of candidates and issues that campaign signs are not permitted in the state’s right-of-way. In addition, placing real estate or other types of signs in state right of way is illegal.
“Federal and state laws prohibit campaign and other non-approved signs in our right-of-way,” says CDOT Division of Maintenance Director Kyle Lester. “And when our crews attempt to remove signs —particularly those that pose a safety hazard or interfere with maintenance activities — it’s taking away time from their regular duties.”
After a sign is removed, it is stored for a period of time at the local CDOT maintenance facility, allowing citizens to re-claim it.
State roadside advertising rules are mandated by Federal Law (23 CFR 750G, or the Lady Bird Johnson Highway Beautification Act), as well as Colordado State Statutes for Outdoor Advertising (CRS 43-1-400 to 420, or Colorado’s Outdoor Advertising Act). No signs are to be placed on Colorado state right-of-way. Real estate signs can be placed outside the ROW line on the property for sale. Campaign signs are also allowed on private property (with owner’s approval), outside the state right-of-way line (These signs must be removed promptly following the election).
“We greatly appreciate everyone’s compliance with this law,” added Lester. “It keeps the public areas free of unlawful signs and visual clutter. It also assures the traveling public that their roadsides aren’t being misused for political, commercial or other purposes.”