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City of Lamar acquires former Car Palace for police, fire operations

© iStock - Alex_Schmidt
City of Lamar Staff

February 28, the City of Lamar purchased the property at 902 North Main Street, formerly known as the Car Palace. The purchase gives the City the opportunity to address a longstanding need for additional police and fire facilities. Both the Police and Fire Departments have been constricted in the City Complex. While Fire & Ambulance Services personnel have a limited footprint for offices and living quarters, the Police Department has personnel and/or storage on every floor of the Complex. The Police Department also has leased space in multiple locations in the Lamar area. City officials attempted to design an additional wing for Police and Fire at the City Complex, but realized that the project was financially impractical. 

City staff began looking at available properties to purchase and renovate in late 2024 and agreed that the former Car Palace building had the best combination of space with reasonable renovation costs and an ideal location. The City plans to convert the 902 N. Main property into a new public safety building, naming it after its former owners, the Bill & Kathy Wootten family. The renovated Wootten Public Safety Building will allow both departments to have adequate space for operations, numerous vehicles, and storage. While design plans have not been finalized, initial renovation plans will include all police offices and facilities and a fire department sub-station, including storage space and offices for command staff. There will also be living quarters for on duty and Emergency Medical Services (EMS staff).

Wootten Public Safety Building, formerly known as the Car Palace, in Lamar, Colorado.


Wootten Public Safety Building, formerly known as the Car Palace, in Lamar, Colorado.

The renovation project will be supported using forfeiture funds from the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado (FPPA) and grants. Several years ago, the City Council voted to use the forfeiture funds for a public safety wing or building to benefit both police and fire. 

The Lamar Police Department staff consists of 28 active employees and 9 in E-911 for a total of 37. The department’s 2025 budget is $2,411,369. There is a separate auxiliary budget for E-911. The Police Department is divided into two divisions. Operations includes the patrol section, code enforcement, animal control, and the 911 Dispatch Center. Support Services includes the detective bureau/drug task force, training services, records division, and evidence management. 

The Lamar Fire Department utilizes volunteers to expand their full-time staff of 11 firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Currently, Fire and Ambulance Services includes 16 volunteers. The department’s 2025 budget is $630,523. There is a separate enterprise fund for Ambulance Services of $706,139. The fire department’s long-term objectives include developing a plan for equipment and gear replacement, offering prevention and education opportunities for the community, and supporting the continued professional development of staff.