Colorado Boards and Commissions appointments announced
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Board Of Directors of The Denver Metropolitan Football Stadium District
The Board oversees the renovation and maintenance of Sports Authority Field at Mile High.
The Board handles the negotiations with the franchise concerning construction costs and other expenses. The Board also provides the counties within the district with portions of the revenues collected from Empower Field at Mile High.
for terms expiring May 23, 2026:
Raymond Timothy Baker of Lakewood, Colorado, reappointed;
Richard Michael Sapkin of Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, reappointed.
Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission
This Commission provides citizen input and expresses state concerns regarding the U.S. Army program for the disposal of chemical warfare agents and munitions at the Pueblo Army Depot.
for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
Colleen Brisnehan of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Department of Public Health and Environment, occasioned by the resignation of Doug Knappe of Arvada, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Aeronautical Board
The Colorado Aeronautical Board assesses the state's aviation needs and makes recommendations to the Director of the Division of Aeronautics within the Department of Transportation.
for a term expiring December 19, 2023:
Stephen Lee of Parker, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a statewide association of airport managers, occasioned by the resignation of George Merritt of Lafayette, Colorado, appointed;
for a term expiring December 19, 2024:
Daniel Melia of Burlington, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local government that operates airports on the eastern slope, occasioned by the passing of Charles “Chic” Myers of Elbert, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Commission on Low Income Energy Assistance
The Commission works through the Low Income Energy Assistance Program to collect and distribute money to eligible recipients for use in the payment of electric and gas utility bills.
for a term expiring May 6, 2024:
Regina Bosma of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a representative who has received low-income energy assistance;
Laura Getts of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a representative of an electric utility or a combined electric and natural gas utility;
Andrew Hawkins of Blaine, Minnesota, to serve as a representative of a natural gas utility or a combined electric and natural gas utility;
Elizabeth Gillitzer-Gallardo of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a water utility.
Colorado HIV Alliance For Prevention, Care and Treatment
The purpose of the Alliance is to promote effective HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs, the HIV Alliance shall advise, inform and closely consult with CDPHE with regard to issues, trends, needs, policy, and resources pertaining to HIV/AIDS throughout the State of Colorado.
for terms expiring February 27, 2025:
Ryan Yanke of Pueblo, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Medical Board
The Colorado Medical Board reviews applications for medical licenses. In cases involving any professional or ethical violations of the Medical Practices Act, the board holds hearings and assists the state’s district attorneys in the prosecution of all persons, firms, associations, or corporations charged with improper conduct.
for terms expiring May 3, 2026:
Anita Kumar, MD of Durango, Colorado, to serve as a doctor of medicine, appointed;
Beckett Czarnecki of Denver, Colorado to serve as a member of the public, appointed;
Kiely Schultz, D.O. of Pueblo, Colorado to serve as a doctor of osteopathy, appointed;
Maidul Mehmud of Parker, Colorado to serve as a member of the public, appointed.
Developmental Disabilities Council
The Developmental Disabilities Council is responsible for coordinating services and advocating for persons with developmental disabilities.
for a term effective July 1, 2022 expiring July 1, 2025:
Kristin Castor of Pueblo, Colorado to serve as a representative of a person with developmental disabilities, appointed.
Employee Ownership Commission
The Colorado Employee Ownership Office establishes a network of technical support and
service providers for businesses considering employee ownership models. The commission
consists of experts who are invested in helping Colorado become a leader for employee ownership.
for a term expiring June 15, 2023:
Dan Luzietti of Denver, Colorado, occasioned by the resignation of Halisi Vinson of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
for a term expiring June 15, 2026:
Kris Oyler of Durango, Colorado, appointed.
Front Range Passenger Rail District Board
The purpose of the district is to research, develop, construct, operate, and maintain an interconnected passenger rail system within the front range that is competitive in terms of travel time for comparable trips with other modes of surface transportation.
for terms expiring April 1, 2024:
James Souby of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of transportation or public finance, appointed;
José Soto of Pueblo West, Colorado, to serve as a representative supporting a statewide employee organization, appointed;
Joshua Laipply of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public, appointed.
for terms expiring April 1, 2026:
Salvatore Pace of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a representative of passenger train development or operations, appointed;
Daneya Esgar of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a representative of environmental conservation, appointed;
Claire Levy of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a resident of a city and county through which commuter rail service was planned as a part of the voter approved RTD Fastracks Transit Expansion Program but has not been constructed, appointed.
Ground Water Commission
The Commission determines the boundaries of designated ground water basins by geographic description and considers well permit applications for persons desiring to appropriate designated ground water for beneficial use. The Commission is responsible for the development of policies and procedures for maximum economic development, as well as the protection of the vested rights of the designated ground water basins of the state.
for terms expiring May 1, 2026:
Tim Hume of Walsh, Colorado, to serve as a resident agriculturist from the Southern High Plains, appointed;
Miguel Angel Diaz of Alamosa, Colorado, to serve as a resident agriculturalist from Water Division 3, reappointed.
Judicial Nominating Commissions
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that selects nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
Fifteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2027:
Kim Verhoeff of Lamar, Colorado, to serve as an attorney and as a Democrat,
from Prowers County, appointed.
Lanie Meyers-Mireless of Lamar, Colorado to serve as a non-attorney and as a Democrat, from Prowers County, appointed.
Judicial Performance Commissions
There are 23 judicial performance commissions serving the State of Colorado: one State Commission and 22 District Commissions. The State Commission evaluates the performance of Supreme Court Justices and Court of Appeals Judges, and the District Commissions evaluate District Court and County Court Judges. Commissioners evaluate judges during two different cycles: retention and interim.
Ninth Judicial District Judicial Performance Commission
for a term expiring November, 2026:
Samuel Rose of Aspen, Colorado to serve as a non-attorney, appointed.
Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board
The Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board was established to protect the health and safety of students, teachers, and other persons using public school facilities and maximize student achievement by ensuring that the condition and capacity of public school facilities are sufficient to provide a safe and un-crowded environment that is conducive to students’ learning.
for a term expiring July 22, 2022:
Kevin Haas of Golden, Colorado to serve as a member who is an engineer whose professional practice at the time of appointment includes public school facilities engineering or who has recent experience in public school facilities engineering, occasioned by the resignation of Scott L. Stevens, PE of Colorado Springs, appointed.
Real Estate Commission
The Real Estate Commission regulates the licensing and conduct of real estate brokers and salespeople and pre-owned home warranty service companies.
for a term expiring April 12, 2023:
Renee Lynde, of Colorado Springs, Colorado to serve as a real estate broker with significant experience in property management, occasioned by the resignation of Carolyn Ann Rogers, GRI, RMP, MPM of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed.
for a term expiring April 12, 2025:
Michelle Christina Espinoza of Henderson, Colorado to serve as a member of the public, appointed.
Scenic and Historic Byways Commission
The Commission works with state agencies, the US Forest Services, Bureau of Land Management, local byways organizations, public and private resources, to assist in the development of byways management plans, including interpretation, promotion and protection of distinctive byways characteristics. They also help coordinate the budgeting process and allocation of federal, state, and private funds for the purpose of byway improvement.
for a term expiring January 1, 2023:
Mark Garcia of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative the Transportation Commissions, occasioned by the resignation of Kathleen Bracke of Fort Collins, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring January 1, 2024:
Tim Finger of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Bureau of Land Management, occasioned by the resignation of Jake Placchi of Golden, Colorado, appointed;
Debbie Lininger of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Department of the Natural Resources, occasioned by the resignation of Anthony Gurzick of Centennial, Colorado, appointed.
for terms expiring January 1, 2025:
Rep. Matt Soper of Delta, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the State Legislature, appointed;
Kelli Hepler of Delta, Colorado, to serve as an at-large member, appointed;
Sami Powers of Denver, Colorado, to serve as an at-large member, appointed;
Imogen Ainsworth of Durango, Colorado, to serve as an at-large member, appointed;
Heidi Colleen Pankow of Craig, Colorado, to serve as a representative of Western Byways, reappointed;
Chad Schneckenberger of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the U.S. Forest Service, reappointed;
Ilana Moir of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative of Land Trusts and Open Space, reappointed.
Statewide Independent Living Council
The Statewide Independent Living Council is mandated under the Federal Law and acts in partnership with Colorado Rehabilitation Services to plan independent living programs in the state.
for terms expiring on October 1, 2022:
Linda Taylor of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a director of a center for independent living, appointed;
for a term expiring on October 1, 2025:
Jeremy Chatelain of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of individuals with disabilities, appointed.
Statewide Internet Portal Authority
The Statewide Internet Portal Authority develops the officially recognized statewide internet portal that provides one-stop access to electronic information, products, and services in order to give members of the public an alternative way to transact business with the state.
for a term expiring June 1, 2024:
Ernesto Chavez of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local government, occasioned by the resignation of Brandy Reitter of Eagle, Colorado, appointed;
for a term effective June 1, 2022 for a term expiring June 1, 2026:
Hannah Parsons of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the private sector, reappointed.
Venture Capital Authority
The Authority makes funding available for Colorado businesses in the beginning and early stages of their development.
for terms expiring May 5, 2026:
Nikhil Mankekar, of Boulder, Colorado to serve as a representative of experience in investment, reappointed;
Dan Chilton of Greenwood Village, Colorado to serve as a representative of experience in banking, appointed.