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Colorado companies recognized for adoption, foster care benefits

© iStock - SanneBerg
Eric Galatas

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(Colorado News Connection) Companies in Colorado and across the nation are adding adoption and foster care benefits for workers, according to the 18th annual list of 100 Best Adoption-Friendly Workplaces.

Misty Valdez - a general manager for Wendy's in Aurora - was contacted by child services after her cousins were separated from their mom due to abuse, endangerment, and neglect.

All but one found new homes. When Valdez and her husband were told in 2019 that Xavi would be sent into state care unless officially adopted, they didn't hesitate.

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"It felt like I had found out I was pregnant and gave birth on the same day," said Valdez. "It was an excitement feeling, but at the same time, really nervous. I can't explain it. It was one of those things where it was kind of overwhelming, but exciting at the same time."

In 2020, Colorado voters approved up to 12 weeks of paid family leave for new adoptive or foster parents per year. But nationally, nearly three in four workers still do not receive benefits.

Companies on the list offer an average of just under ten weeks of paid leave for new parents, a slight increase from 2023. They also pitch in nearly $16,000 in financial reimbursement for adoption costs.

After adopting Xavi, Valdez was able to spend ten weeks at home through her company's bonding leave program, which covered 100 percent of her wages.

She said that time helped bring the family, which included Valdez' two other children, closer together. It was also critical for finding resources to meet Xavi's particular needs.

"There was a lot of abuse prior to him coming into the home, so he had a lot of issues," said Valdez. "So having to move around the schedule, taking him to therapy. Having to adjust to the needs that he needed."

The annual list is compiled by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, named after the fast food chain's founder, who was himself adopted.

Valdez' advice to anyone adopting a child is to bring a lot of patience, and love. And she said the reward makes up for any challenges.

"You have another person that loves you unconditionally," said Valdez. "I'm going to have another kid that's going to have kids, and I'm going to be a grandma to another set of kids. It just expanded my family."