Colorado Corn District 7 meeting set for July 12 in Springfield
NASS data, ARC-CO Program to be key topics of discussion
Colorado Corn staff and board members encourage farmers and any others interested to attend our upcoming District 7 meeting in Springfield, where attendees will hear updates about the two Colorado Corn organizations and issues impacting the industry.
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 12, at the Longhorn Steakhouse, located at 400 Main St. Dinner will be provided at the meeting. No RSVP needed.
The Colorado Corn Administrative Committee (CCAC) and Colorado Corn Growers Association’s (CCGA) District 7 area includes Baca, Bent, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Las Animas, Otero, Prowers and Pueblo counties.
During this meeting, Colorado Corn staff will be joined by representatives of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), to discuss producer surveys and the NASS yield and production data used in factoring payments to farmers for certain programs, such as the Agriculture Risk Coverage County Option (ARC-CO) Program.
In recent months, some farmers questioned the accuracy of the county yield data initially used to calculate farmers' ARC-CO eligibility, stressing some yields appeared too high, which would impact program payments now and in the future. In response, the Colorado Corn Growers Association (CCGA) reached out to lawmakers, federal and state officials, held meetings with Colorado producers, and traveled to Washington, D.C., St. Louis and elsewhere to discuss the issue, among other efforts.
In recent weeks, the Farm Service Agency distributed updated ARC-CO program payments to farmers in Adams, Baca, Bent, Cheyenne and Kit Carson counties. However, farmers in other counties where yields have been questioned haven't yet been notified of any action, and are currently following through with an appeals process in the USDA's National Appeals Division.
As part of CCGA’s continued efforts regarding this issue, we hope to have constructive conversations at our district meetings this summer.
At the District 7 meeting, the Colorado Corn Growers Association (CCGA) will also be holding board member nominations for that district’s CCGA director position – currently held by Jeff Self, who is eligible for a second term.