Colorado statewide fishing report and conditions – September 20, 2020
Conditions Report - Statewide
A lot can change in a matter of days. For some areas of Colorado, rain and snow have put much needed water back into lakes, rivers, and streams. Perhaps most importantly, the combination of cool air and an influx of precipitation have cooled some warmer rivers that were putting trout in severe danger. As of this writing, the Animas has dropped nearly 15 degrees and water flows have increased. While this is a welcomed relief, the Animas and other rivers continue to run low for this time of the year. Anglers should continue to be mindful of water temperatures when fishing rivers and streams that are flowing lower than usual. As we may be turning a corner towards the fall fishing season, many fly anglers continue to have success with the hopper-dropper set up. When in doubt, nymphing will be a go-to on most rivers across the state.
Conditions Report - Metro Denver Area
Aurora Reservoir
As of 9/7/2020, trout fishing from shore is now slow. Some anglers have been doing well using PowerBait off the dam. The trout are currently deep so casting out 40-50 yards is recommended. Trout action from boats is fair to good trolling with crawlers and spoons. Walleye action is slow to fair trolling with bottom bouncers and crawlers in 25-35’ of water. No other reports on other species. For more information call 303-326-8425. Park Hours for September, 6am-8pm. Restricted to electric motors only and portable gas tanks must be removed.
Aurora Reservoir
Chatfield Reservoir
As of 9/7/2020, fishing for carp has been good at Chatfield Reservoir. Anglers have also noted catching walleye and smallmouth bass on a combination of flies, and hard and soft plastics. Aquatic Nuisance Species Inspections will be conducted at the North and South ramps from 6am -10pm seven days a week. Vessel Decontamination will only be performed during daylight hours.
Chatfield Reservoir
Cherry Creek Reservoir
As of 9/5/2020, there have been reports of decreased fishing activity at Cherry Creek Reservoir. However, an angler noted that trolling deep or snap jigging is the best method for getting into fish right now. Water temperature was recently recorded at 70 degrees. For the most up-to-date conditions for Cherry Creek Reservoir, please contact park staff by calling 303-690-1166. The reservoir is open for boating with two boat ramps and ANS inspections stations open daily from 6am–10 pm. The West boat ramp is closed on Wednesdays.
Cherry Creek Reservoir
Quincy Reservoir
As of 9/7/2020, bass fishing is slow to fair with a few good reports using soft plastics and top water lures. Early mornings and evenings have been the fishing hours. There are also a few reports of smallmouth bass being caught from the dam using jigs. Restricted to artificial flies and lures only. Watercraft restrictions-Only watercraft capable of being launched by hand permitted. Vehicles and trailers are not permitted in the water. Park Hours for September, 6am-8pm. Closed September 28-October 9th for water quality improvement project. For more information call 303-326-8424.
Quincy Reservoir
Conditions Report - Northeast Colorado
Eleven Mile Reservoir
As of 9/10/2020, Eleven Mile Reservoir still has good trout and northern pike fishing. The 11 Mile Marina noted that “the action among trout before the weather turned was just awesome. Many great fish caught. Anglers caught trout on swimbaits and rapalas. Orange was a very good color in general last week. Trolling, pitching, and shoreline fishing were all productive last week.” Meanwhile, “all sizes of northern pike seem to be hitting. Swim bait was the successful weapon and others have had good luck on jointed rapalas, mostly in orange and perch. Northern pike seem to be most active in weeds or around rocks.” https://www.11milesports.com/fishing-report
Eleven Mile Reservoir
Boyd Lake
As of 9/4/2020, water temperature was recently measured at 71 degrees. Trout fishing has been excellent for anglers utilizing nightcrawlers and spinners. Anglers have had the most success catching trout near the Pumphouse and along the shorelines at depths around 8’ deep. Fishing for carp has been fair to good for anglers using worms and insects. Bow anglers have also been having success finding carp along shorelines. There has been poor to fair activity among all other species, including bass, catfish, crappie and walleye. Some anglers have had some success using artificial plastic baits at about 20-30’. The main and Heron Cove boat ramps are currently open. ANS inspections are available 6am to 8pm and decontaminations are available 8am to 7pm at the main boat ramp.
Boyd Lake
North Sterling Reservoir
As of 9/5/2020, recent water temperature measurements have been recorded in the mid-70’s and water level was noted to be low. One angler reported they were able to pull in walleye and drum on a combination of crankbaits and crawler harness rigs. The Elks Ramp is closed for the season due to low water levels. Staff noted that the reservoir is 20’ below full pool and will continue to drop. The South ramp is the only ramp that remains open, M.-Th., 8am-4pm.; Fr., 8am-8pm; Sa.-Su., 7am-8pm.
North Sterling Reservoir
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
As of 8/24/2020, anglers have noted that fishing is slow at Spinney Mountain Reservoir. Water temperature have been increasing and water levels have been dropping. One angler took multiple measurements where water temperature ranged between 62-68 degrees throughout the morning and afternoon. Warmer water temperatures have pushed trout into deeper, colder water. Only the North Boat Ramp is currently open and operates from one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset.
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Horsetooth Reservoir
As of 9/7/2020, there have been reports that fish have been very active in the morning hours. One angler noted having success pulling in smallmouth bass and walleye. Anglers can attract fish utilizing small swimbaits. Most fish were noted to be suspended in the 20-25’ range. Water level was described as being low with water temperature being record at about 68 degrees. ANS stations are open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week at the following boat ramps: South Bay Ramp and Inlet Bay Ramp (closes for season 9/15/2020).
Horsetooth Reservoir
Antero Reservoir
As of 8/21/2020, reports from Antero Reservoir indicate that fishing continues to be good. Water capacity is at 98% full. Water temperature was recently recorded at approximately 63 degrees with good water clarity. There have been reports of anglers catching many fish but most are measured around 17”. The ANS inspection station is open 6am-8pm daily at the South Ramp and 6am 8pm Th.-Su. at the North Ramp.
Antero Reservoir
Barr Lake
As of 9/4/2020, CPW has announced an Emergency Public Fish Salvage at Barr Lake. All regulations still apply at the lake, with the exception of limitations for size, bag, and possession limits for all species until the emergency fish salvage is terminated. The emergency fish salvage only applies from sunrise to ½ hour after sunset. With falling water levels, there is increasing shoreline accessibility for anglers. Catfish, perch, and the occasional wiper are being caught from shore during the cooler parts of the day. The boat ramp is currently CLOSED for the season. Hand launch vessels are allowed. Boating is only allowed on the North end of the lake, and only motors 10hp or less are allowed to be used. ANS inspections are mandatory prior to launch for all trailered or motorized vessels.
Barr Lake
Conditions Report - Southeast Colorado
Arkansas River - Leadville to Buena Vista
As of 9/4/2020, Braden Baker with Ark Anglers writes, “the rocky pocket water north of Buena Vista holds a lot of oxygen and can be a good place to try on these hot afternoons, when fish will move to find cooler, oxygenated water. Expect to see some grasshopper, golden stonefly and caddis activity north of Buena Vista. Even if nothing is hatching, you'll likely find opportunistic, competitive fish taking refuge in velocity shelters looking for an easy meal. Think dry-dropper or shallow nymphing with attractor flies like chernobyl ants, stimulators, golden stoneflies, etc. in the mornings and switch to a deep dry-dropper or nymph rig through the afternoon heat to try to reach fish seeking cooler temperatures lower in the water column. Look for transitions from slow to fast or shallow to deeper water, as well as deeper riffles to find fish mid-day. Flows have dropped considerably over the last week, opening up a lot more terrain for wade fishermen and making more of the river itself usable to the resident trout population. Be on the lookout for blue winged olives, as our first hatches of the fall have been spotted and can make for some fun, technical dry fly fishing. These insects are usually #20-22, and though small, are a very important piece of the menu over the next few weeks.” Flows: 100 CFS at Hayden Meadows, 134 CFS at Granite (9/10/2020) http://www.arkanglers.com/
Arkansas River - Leadville to Buena Vista
Rampart Reservoir
As of 9/8/2020, water temperature was recently recorded at 63 degrees and was estimated to be about 25’ below full pool. Reports indicate that anglers are still catching fish in deep waters. According to the US Forest Service, “all trailered and motorized watercraft are only allowed from 7am to 5pm Thursdays through Sundays when CPW is performing aquatic nuisance species inspections. Hand launched watercraft may be launched from the boat ramp Monday – Sunday 7am to 5 pm.”
Rampart Reservoir
Pueblo Reservoir
As of 9/9/2020, there have been some anglers reporting success fishing from shore, especially among largemouth bass. One angler noted having success attracting largemouth bass with spinners. Despite some reports of success, low water levels and increased water temperatures around the shorelines makes trolling the best method right now. Trollers have had success on both hard and soft plastics. Boat ramps are open with inspection hours 5am-12am and decontamination hours 8am-7pm. Park staff note that the park is experiencing high visitation and heavy boating usage.
Pueblo Reservoir
Lake Trinidad
As of 8/30/2020, fishing is good at Lake Trinidad. Boaters have had luck trolling for walleye and perch at depths of 15’ – 25’. Meanwhile, trout and wiper can be found in deeper, cooler water. Fishing from the south shore has been successful with all species. Anglers have had the best success with hooks tipped with dough bait and worms. 12” to 15” fish are common and the best luck is in the early morning or late evenings. Low water levels in Reilly Canyon have created conditions for a grass bloom that has restricted fishing from the north side of the river. Surface water temperature has been recently recorded between 72-75 degrees. The boat ramp is currently open and ANS inspections are completed daily 7am-7pm.
Lake Trinidad
Arkansas River - Buena Vista to Salida
As of 9/8/2020, Braden Baker with Ark Anglers writes, “with flows between 250 and 400 cfs, fish are able to spread throughout the river rather than being congregated out along the edges like you'll find during higher flows. The cold snap this week is bringing some well-needed moisture and will cool the river down, simultaneously prompting some good blue winged olive hatches with the cloud cover. Currently, you'll want to focus on fishing the soft pockets of slower water along the edges, dropoffs and mid-stream pocket water with a dry-dropper or nymph rig, switching to smaller dry mayfly imitations if you encounter a hatch. We've had some great reports from anglers working the edges with large attractor dry/dropper setups, and flies that imitate grasshoppers and stoneflies are usually the ticket. Fishing these in tandem with small nymphs that imitate the diminutive fall blue winged olives. We've started to see the first hatches of these small mayflies in the afternoons, so patterns in #20-22 should be in your box.” Flows: 220 CFS at Helca Junction (9/10/2020) http://www.arkanglers.com/ Arkansas River
Arkansas River - Buena Vista to Salida
Horseshoe Lake
As of 9/10/2020, Lathrop State Park rangers note that “trout fishing has been less productive with the hotter temperatures. Crappie and bass fishing on Horseshoe has been productive with most anglers stating that artificial lures, jigs, plastic worms, and spinners result in the most takes. Warm, late summer waters have led to increased activity from catfish and carp. Fishing for catfish has been reported as being the most active around dawn and dusk, and anglers are having success with worms or liver based baits. Generally speaking, fishing in the morning, around dusk, and during cooler/cloudy days has led to more productive fishing and is less stressful on the fish.”
Horseshoe Lake
Conditions Report - Southwest Colorado
Navajo Lake
As of 8/25/2020, staff at Navajo State Park report that “fishing at Navajo Lake has been good, but has slowed down a bit as the water temperature rises. The water temperature at the boat ramp in Arboles is currently 71 degrees. Fishing is best early in the morning when temperatures are cooler. Smallmouth bass and northern pike are being caught in coves and along rocky points, using spinners or crank bait. There have also been reports of catfish being caught using cut bait or night crawlers.” The boat ramp is currently open 7am-8pm, Su.–Th.; 7am-9pm, Fr.-Sa. The boat ramp gate closes and is locked when the ANS station closes for the day.
Navajo Lake
Blue Mesa Reservoir
As of 9/10/2020, there have been no recent reports from Blue Mesa Reservoir. As of 8/10/2020, an angler indicated that Blue Mesa Reservoir had not been fishing well among any species. The angler reported having little success trolling on the lake and their experience was backed up with testimony from boat inspectors who regularly communicate with boaters coming off the water.
Blue Mesa Reservoir
James M. Robb Colorado River
As of 9/10/2020, staff at James M. Robb Colorado River State Park report that “trout fishing has slowed with the warmer summer temperatures. Blue gill will begin to pick up. All types of baits and lures work well. In order to minimize stress on the fish, it is better to fish in the mornings or evenings.”
James M. Robb Colorado River
Jackson Gulch Reservoir
As of 9/8/2020, staff at Manchos State Park reported “water level is VERY LOW. Trout are rising consistently during still evenings, and are catchable with small jigs, streamers, and dry flies. Standard baits under a float: PowerBait, 'crawlers, waxworms, and mealworms, will work for both trout and yellow perch. Try a small ice fishing jig tipped with bait about 4’ under a float or slightly deeper below a slip bobber. Most yellow perch are small but fall can be a great time of year to catch some of the larger perch.”
Jackson Gulch Reservoir
Martin Lake
As of 9/10/2020, the staff at Lathrop State Park report that “hot and sunny conditions have led to unproductive fishing, especially for trout. Worms, PowerBait, and salmon eggs seem to be the most productive baits when fishing off the bottom for trout species. Fishing for pike and muskie has been productive, and larger swimbaits are being reported as having the most chases. Generally speaking, fishing in the morning, around dusk, and during cooler/cloudy days has led to better angler success and is less stressful on the fish. For anglers fishing from boats, be aware that water levels are down, there are unmarked hazards, and there are large Eurasian watermilfoil mats on the southeast corner of Martin Lake near the spillway. This invasive plant species can get tangled in the propeller and effect the performance of a boat.”
Martin Lake
Conditions Report - Northwest Colorado
Williams Fork Reservoir
As of 9/7/2020, Randy, a guide with Fishing with Bernie, reports that “water capacity is 89%. The new ramp hours are 7am to 7pm, effective September 8th. Surface temperature has dropped to 62 in the main body. The lake trout bite is good until about mid-day. Mixed age groups can be found in 70 to 80’. Rubber grubs or tubes tipped with sucker meat jigged on the bottom will produce bites. Bank fishing for rainbow trout in the bays is slow. Fish the cooler water in the deep drop offs at the east campground or the parking area by the dike. Northern pike are slow but they are following lures fished on a slow to medium retrieve. Kokanee are slow due to lack of population, but a few are being caught in 40-50’. Trolling for Kokanee most often results in catching small lake trout.” https://www.fishingwithbernie.com/weekly-fishing-reports
Williams Fork Reservoir
Grand Lake
As of 9/7/2020, Fishing with Bernie guides write that “the bite has been slower this week. Lake trout are hanging in 30-50’ of water. Jigs, 2-4”, tipped with sucker meat worked on the bottom has produced most of the lake trout. Activity among brown trout is starting to pick up. Most of the brown trout action will happen early in the morning and late in the evening.” https://www.fishingwithbernie.com/weekly-fishing-reports
Grand Lake
Lake Granby
As of 9/7/2020, Fishing with Bernie guides report that “fishing for rainbow trout continues to be slow from the bank. Trollers are catching rainbow trout on small minnow style baits. Brown trout are eating at night, they have been biting minnow style baits and large bushy flies. Lake trout will be starting their annual migration to the spawning areas in the next couple weeks. For now they are still in deeper water. Tubes and grubs tipped with sucker meat are getting bit.” https://www.fishingwithbernie.com/weekly-fishing-reports
Lake Granby
Vega Reservoir
As of 8/31/2020, staff report that “due to low water levels all boat ramps are closed at this time. You may still hand launch small non-trailered boats, however, all motors must still be inspected prior to launching.” Fishing continues to remain good with anglers having success pulling in rainbow and cutthroat trout on PowerBait and nightcrawlers. The front gate is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and the Visitor Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Vega Reservoir
Stagecoach Reservoir
As of 9/6/2020, anglers are reporting high success in the early mornings and evenings with rainbow trout at the Inlet, Morrison Cove, Keystone Point, and in the Marina area. Successful anglers are primarily reporting luck with PowerBait, nightcrawlers, spoons, and jigs. Trolling hard baits, spinners, and spoons in the wakeless zones has also been very productive. The North/Marina boat ramp is currently open and ANS inspections are available Su.-Th., 8am-4pm; Fr.-Sa., 7am-8pm.
Stagecoach Reservoir
Delaney Lakes
As of 8/31/2020, Lake John Resort reports “the Delaneys are picking up with activity. East Delaney is producing smaller 12-13” fish but the most active, South Delaney, is producing 16-20” fish. North Delaney is producing the larger measurements but slower than the other two. Rapala’s, tub jigs, leeches, chironomids, damsels, scuds, and nymphs 10-20’ under an indicator have been best during the day, stripping crayfish and leeches has been successful at night and in the twilight hours.” https://lakejohnresort.com/fishing
Delaney Lakes
Lake John
As of 8/31/2020, the folks at Lake John Resort report that “Lake John has quality fish coming out right now and the bite is slowly getting better. Shore and boat fisherman are both hauling in fish right now. Boat anglers are using rapala’s, tub jigs, kastmasters, thomas bouyants and ruby eyed leech flies under an indicator. Shore fisherman are using garlic PowerBaits, marshmallows, cheese, nightcrawlers and black leech flies.” https://lakejohnresort.com/fishing
Lake John