Crops and Livestock Expo Set for February 3
By Kristin Lubbers
The Southeast Crops and Livestock Expo (SCALE) will be held on Friday, February 3, at the Lamar Community College Wellness Center. This event is an exciting opportunity for locals working in production agriculture for a full day of quality information that they can immediately put into practice.
SCALE is free and open to the public. The event is co-sponsored by Lamar Community College, KVAY 105.7, and the Colorado State University Extension.
Registration will begin at 8:00am on February 3, followed by presentations starting at 9:00.
The Colorado State Ag Business and Management Economist will present first including information on FSA loan programs, management strategies for farmers and ranchers, as well as a market outlook and breakeven analysis for crops and livestock.
Lunch and a trade show will take place starting at noon and will include the featured speaker Nolan Doesken, Colorado State Climatologist.
Daniel Melia of Roboflight Systems, LLC, will present on Unmanned Aircraft in Agriculture from 2:00-3:30pm, after which attendees will have more time at the trade show.
Greg Cash, LCC Ag faculty and one of the event’s organizers, is excited to bring an opportunity like SCALE to Southeast Colorado.
“I’m most looking forward to the unmanned aircraft presentation,” said Cash. “We’re working on incorporating that technology into our program here at LCC and we’re excited to see how it fits into our curriculum moving forward.”
Anyone involved with or interested in production agriculture is encouraged to attend the event.
For additional information, visit www.lamarcc.edu/scale or contact Greg Cash at 719.336.1628 or gregory.cash@lamarcc.edu.