Michelle Wyckoff

A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

Wind.  Merriam Webster describes it as “ a natural movement of air of any velocity”.  

Wind comes in various degrees. A  peaceful calm breeze on a sweltering summer day is something few things can equal, except a nice glass of freshly squeezed lemonade to enjoy along with it.  Then comes the dust devil, which I see quite often, right out my kitchen window . Perhaps I’m not the only one to witness these little bursts of dancing dirt.  Next we have gale force, then a twister (which is something I always thought resulted from the expert handling of a hoola hoop by a ten year old, or a Milton Bradley Junior High party game) or, as most call it in real life, a tornado, followed by a hurricane.

I’ve sort of seen a tornado or two in my life.  In fact, just last week I saw five or six while on my weekly jaunt to see my grandkids for a couple of days.  We watched the old movie Twister with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton.  It was magnificently real and nearly scared  the life out of me!  I happened to pass by a mirror when it was over and my hair looked like I’d stuck my finger in a light socket!  That was just from watching the movie.  If I ever actually saw one, I would probably age ten years in ten minutes.  I’d never be able to look in the mirror again!


May you be living the good life Kim Harris!