East End Events – May 28, 2019
Well, it is typical Memorial Day weather. Seems like we always have some severe weather at some point during the holiday. There have been some bad storms around us, but we have been very fortunate here at Towner with nothing but rain so far, but the day isn't over yet.
Weekend before last was a very busy time for our family. Friday Dick, Kyle and I went to Denver to meet our grandson, Parker. He was flying home to New Jersey for the summer and we brought his car home with us for the summer. Saturday, Kyle and I drove to Wichita, Kansas. My son, Mark, and his daughter, Breeanna, came to Wichita and picked up Kyle to go home with them for the weekend. I spent Saturday night with my aunt, Eva Mae Wheeler. We had a really nice time and lots of good visiting. My cousin, Dan, and his wife, Sharon, went to supper with us and more visiting. Sunday, I drove on to Winfield, Kansas, where Mark and his family live. We attended my granddaughter, Breeanna's, high school graduation that afternoon. Sunday evening, Kyle and I went to Hesston, Kansas, and spent the night with my son, Tom, and came home Monday. We drove in lots of rain almost the whole way home. Mark said they had over 13 inches of rain the past 10 days in Winfield.
After Kyle and I got back to Towner Monday, we went to Cheyenne Wells and he got his driver’s license. LOOK OUT WORLD! Seriously, he is a very good driver, but just needs some experience with different situations that happen when you're driving. On that note, our granddaughter, Breeanna, was hit from behind Saturday and totaled her car, but thankfully she was okay. This past week, our granddaughter, Mikyla, in New Jersey escaped hitting a car that stopped in front of her suddenly, but the car behind Mikyla didn't stop and she was thrown forward into the car in front of her. Luckily, she was not hurt either, but her car was totaled. About three weeks ago, Dick hit a deer about four miles west of Towner and damaged the pickup front end extensively. They say things happen in threes, so I'm hoping the rest of the family is okay to be out on the road.
School is out for the summer. Plainview School’s graduation was held May 19. A large crowd attended. The senior class and their sponsors left on their sneak trip Sunday. Hope they have a safe trip.
Larry and Judy Tuttle visited their daughter, Rhonda, and family week before last. They were up there when all the snow came.
Cheri Hopkins, Jen Hopkins and children, and I spent most of the day Friday getting the cemetery mowed and ready for Memorial Day. Everything had really grown with all the moisture we've had. Ruth
(Humburg) Schwertzfiger came to put out flowers about the time we finished mowing and we had a nice visit with her.
Dick's brother, Gene Scott, passed away in December and he is being buried at Towner this coming Saturday, June 1, with graveside services at 1:00 p.m. There will be food and visiting afterwards at the Towner Community Hall, and everyone is welcome to come. Gene and Lorraine (Owen) grew up in Towner but have been gone from here for around 50 plus years.
My sis, Jerene, and her two grandsons, Dexter and Jet, came to Towner this morning and we put our flowers on the graves. Then we had to come back to the farm and go see the baby goats. Jett thought they were pretty cute.
Susan Greenfield went to Sterling to visit her dad and brother and family over this past weekend.
I hope everyone had a nice and safe Memorial Day weekend. Have a great week!