Department of Ag Announces Colorado’s Inaugural Hemp “Certified Seed”
The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is announcing that three industrial hemp seed varieties have passed the statewide THC validation and observation trial and are now eligible to be grown by the Colorado Seed Growers Association for production of “CDA Approved Certified Seed.”
“Earlier this year, we launched the first certified hemp seed program in the country to grow hemp across Colorado’s diverse growing conditions to discover which seeds would grow crops that fall within industrial hemp requirements. This is a big step forward for this emerging industry,” said Duane Sinning, CDA’s Division of Plant Industry Assistant Director. “CDA Approved Certified Seed provides growers with the confidence they expect in seed quality.”
Colorado state law requires that industrial hemp tests at or below 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis. The three varieties submitted by Schiavi Seeds LLC that were accepted by the Colorado Seed Growers Association’s Variety Review Board and passed the THC trials are: Eletta Campana, Fibranova and Helena.
Seeds entered by New West Genetics passed the state wide THC testing making it conditionally approved pending submission of the variety information and acceptance by the Variety Review Board. Once approved, the variety can then be produced by the Colorado Seed Growers Association according to Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) standards and receive the CDA Approved Certified Seed label.
The Department worked in cooperation with Colorado State University and CSGA during the growing process.
Seed varieties were grown and tested in the northeast, southeast, Front Range, the San Luis Valley and on the western slope. These five locations vary in daytime and nighttime temperatures, in altitude, length of growing season, and soil types.
The 2017 season will likely see additional varieties entered into the CDA validation trial and an increase in the number of acres planted for CDA Approved Certified Seed production in CSGA fields.
Those interested in participating in the program should contact Terry Moran, CDA’s Seed Certification Specialist at Terry.Moran@state.co.us or (303) 869-9078.