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Eads Alumni golf tournament set for October 5

© iStock - CrispyPork
Dawna Weirich

The Eads High School alumni committee’s second annual golf tournament will be held October 52024. It will be the last golf tournament of the season for the Eads Golf Course and we’re hoping for nice weather and some great golf to close it out.   

Stacks of coins with miniature mortar board on top and miniature rolled diploma in front

© iStock - William_Potter

Last year’s tournament proved to be such a successful fund raiser for the EHS alumni scholarship fund that it was decided to make this a yearly event.  The best part is you don’t have to be an EHS graduate to participate - we’ll take Tigers, Bobcats, Wildcats, Hawks and just about any other area mascot one can think of.  All are welcome to come and join in the fun.  

Each year, the EHS Alumni committee awards two scholarships to graduating seniors of good ole EHS.  Last year the committee was able to award $1,000.00 to each winner to help offset expenses to further their education.  

The entry fee is $200 per team. A shotgun start will begin at 9:00 a.m., and lunch will be provided.  Last year, 17 teams enjoyed playing 18 holes on a great fall day.  

If you’re not a golfer, a great way to show your support is to sponsor one of those 18 holes.  Last year sponsorships included families, alumni classes, and businesses.  Sponsorships are $250, which can be purchased from Dawna Weirich, 719-688-5416, or Megan Herren.  

It’s also a great opportunity to come out to the golf course and visit with other alumni and enjoy the day.  Hope to see you at the golf course October 5 to join in the fun.