Child with a surprised expression holding an open book with glowing pages in front of books on shelves

Honey Belle Dixon tribute at Kiowa County Library

© XiXinXing - iStock-455668967
Kiowa County Public Library District Staff

Fall has come and gone, and the colorful leaves are only a memory - but NOT at the Kiowa County Library!  At least not the paper leaves hanging from the library’s ceiling.  Glued to each leaf is a picture of a child who attended last summer’s reading program. Those 100 happy faces provide too much daily joy to let them fall!  Plus, they are a fond remembrance of a cherished library patron, Honey Belle Dixon.

Interior of the Kiowa County Public Library showing shelves of books and decorations.


Honey Belle was an avid reader and devoted supporter of the yearly Summer Reading Program (SRP). For many, summers you would see her at the SRP events, camera in hand, taking individual pictures so all participating children would be memorialized that year.  Sometimes she used the library’s instant (Polaroid) camera, but often she’d take her own pictures.  She would develop and return each photo to the library staff, who hung them from the ceiling.  It was such fun for the children to return the next week and locate their faces!  The current children’s pictures hang in the Library as a tribute to honor Honey Belle’s love of reading and dedication to the SRP.  We’re happy to say those picture-leaves survived the winds of fall!

Another tribute to Honey Belle is the lasting impression she made on young readers.  She rallied kids, especially her grandkids, to attend SRP every year they were eligible, and to develop a habit of reading.  Her grandson shared with library staff that her persistence worked!  Now in his mid-20’s he still enjoys reading! And admitting that many of his friends do not.

Upon Honey Belle’s passing earlier this year, her family donated memorial funds to the Kiowa County Public Library. We used the generous donation for our Summer Reading Program. The Board and staff would again like to express our sincere appreciation to the Jack Dixon family! We believe Honey Belle would be pleased to know she helped make the Summer Reading Program possible!