Weisbrod Hospital Nursing Home Auxiliary Notes
Most all the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary members attended the August 14 meeting at J J’s Restaurant for lunch. Those attending were Barb Diel, Valorie Briggs, Cleta Englehardt, Alice Glover, Loretta Seibel, Lola Igou, LaVerle Kelley, Loretta Seibel, Madonna Pollreis, Betty Crow, Opal Miner, and Doris Lessenden and Activity Director, Tonya Lane.
The ladies evaluated the second Tuesday night of the month game night and agreed that the residents like playing Bunco a lot. Madonna, Alice, Betty, and Loretta volunteered in June and in July, Barb, Loretta, and Doris volunteered to play the games with residents.
Linda Trosper gave an update on the Fall Bazaar. We are looking for vendors for Saturday, November 17.
The ladies are very pleased with the beauty of the flowers blooming in the patio. They complimented Jose Hernandez again on building the pretty wooden planters that he constructed. We decided that we should buy smaller bush tomato plants next year because the ones we bought this year are growing very tall and may need more depth to grow.
Tonya Lane gave a review of the activities and answered questions about the bathrooms being remodeled, the new Athena computer program being implemented this week, and the middle dining room being rearranged to be more like a living room for visiting. Most Sundays a family brings in a table and has Sunday dinner with their resident relative.
Tonya, whose assistant is Brooklyn Lenox, told us about the plans for the county fair when the staff will take residents who want to go to the Thursday Breakfast, then Friday to the rodeo, and Saturday some will watch the parade from the patio and others will ride on the Weisbrod trailer float which has been used each week to ride around town to see the homes. Sometimes they go out for ice cream at the Main Scoop or Icees from Crow’s Stop and Shop.