Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - December 13, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Monday December 13, 2021 at 5:02 p.m. in the Town Hall. Robin Fox took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present –Kathy McCracken, Justin McLoud, Stephanie Sewell, Karl Eikenberg,
- Absent – Dennis Pearson, Terry Riley
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox
- Assistant Clerk- Mikahael McCracken
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
- Town Attorney – Lance Clark – Absent
Approval of new member- Stephanie Sewell presented a letter of interest to fill the open spot on the board. Kathy read the letter aloud, Kathy McCracken made a motion to approve Stephanie as a new trustee, Justin McLoud seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Stephanie was welcomed to join and sworn in by Mayor Joe Shields. Robin took pictures of the swearing in.
Minutes- Kathy McCracken motioned to approve the November 9, 2021 minutes as presented Karl Eikenberg seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Atmos- Town Clerk announced that Mikahael would be reading the Atmos Ordinance No. 413 aloud in the other room if anyone would like to go and listen to the reading. This was the first reading.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken motioned to approve payment of the bills. Stephanie Sewell seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Budget and Ordinances: Ordinance to set mill levies ,Ordinance to appropriate sums of money, Ordinance to adopt budget, Kathy McCracken made an motion to approve them all, Stephanie Sewell seconded, motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Annual 3% Raise for all employees was discussed and Justin McLoud made a motion to approve the 3% raise, Karl Eikenberg seconded the motion, motion passed with Kathy McCracken abstaining.
Van brought up the bulk water and the key prices. They decided to charge $300.00 for all keys that will be refunded when the keys are returned. Deposits will be charged in the amount of $500.00 to all non account holders; those with current accounts will not have a deposit. Everyone holding a key will be required to pay a $100.00 monthly minimum fee.
Bring Up Items – Justin McLoud brought up evaluations,
Adjournment- Meeting was adjourned at 5:45
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Robin Fox, Town Clerk