PROMO Government - Eads Town Hall - Chris Sorensen

Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - February 13, 2023

Eads, Colorado, Town Hall © - Chris Sorensen

The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday February 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Robin Fox took roll call:

  • Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
  • Trustees – Present –Dennis Pearson, Fred Derby, Justin McLoud, Stephanie Sewell
  • Absent – Kathy McCracken, Tuck Liebl
  • Town Clerk- Robin Fox 
  • Assistant Clerk- Mikahael McCracken
  • Director of Public Works-Van Brown
  • Town Attorney – Lance Clark – Absent

Minutes­- Stephanie Sewell moved to approve the minutes as presented. Fred Derby seconded; motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Justin McLoud moved to approve payment of the bills. Minus the one for snow removal until Joe talks to the commissioners about it.  Dennis Pearson seconded; motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment- Cindy McLoud wanted to discuss the jump start program again; Mayor Shields said he would like the board to think about this more. Some of the board members are not in favor of this program, and feel they need more time to think about this. 

Cindy discussed the possibility of doing another sidewalk grant. This would be business only no personal. Cindy will need to bring the grant information to the board. The project manager will need to be Van Brown and the board wants to see all grant information before anything can be filed.

Lisa Schloeterhausen was here to discuss the pool grant; she had her second meeting with Sammie George with the GOCO grant. Sammie explained what needs to be done with the whole grant process. Lisa and Sammie have worked together on grants before, and Lisa feels comfortable following Sammie’s suggestions. Lisa will be setting up a meeting to discuss some ideas on events that we will need to attend to get community input.

Mayor Shields asked that the town crew be present. Trent Rittgers and Donte Sierra both were present and Paul Kelley was absent he was gone picking up parts for the town. Joe wanted to say thank you and congratulations on the snow removal from the last big storm. The three employees did a great job of getting everything cleared right away and working on the weekend. They will all get letters put in their employee files. 

New Business:  Van brought up that an individual had come to him wanting a discount on a sewer tap fee. The board all agreed everyone has to pay the same fees; we cannot give discounts to one and not everyone. 

Executive Session- None

Adjournment- Meeting was adjourned 6:10 P.M.

Joe D. Shields, Mayor


Robin Fox, Town Clerk