Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - March 8, 2022
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Monday March 8, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Robin Fox took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present –Kathy McCracken, Justin McLoud, Stephanie Sewell, Tuck Liebl, Dennis Pearson. Absent – NONE
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox
- Assistant Clerk- Mikahael McCracken
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown-Absent, Paul Kelley Present, Trent Rittgers Present
- Town Attorney – Lance Clark – Absent
Minutes- Justin McLoud motioned to approve the February 8, 2022 minutes after changes were made. Kathy McCracken motioned to approve the minutes, Stephanie Sewell seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken motioned to approve payment of the bills. Justin McLoud seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment- Cindy McLoud was present, to talk about the two grants she has put in for the Town. One for the sidewalks and outside work in front of the theater. The other one is for work inside the theater. She will keep us informed when she knows more about the grants. She also said that she is ready to start working on a grant to possibly help with the swimming pool.
New Business:
Kayla Murdock, Trenton Negley, Jacob Marlow, and Nick Wilms, were all present from the sheriff’s office, Josh Swanson and Forrest Frazee were not able to attend the meeting. They wanted to introduce themselves and ask if the town had any concerns. Mayor Shield’s asked why we are not getting any town tickets into our court. They assured the council that they would start seeing more tickets in the future.
The Town had gone out for sealed bids on a list of items. On the eight smaller items. Justin Mcloud made a motion to accept those bids and Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously. Total for those items $245.01
Sickle Mower- Justin McLoud made a motion to accept the highest bid of $17.00. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Pickup Bed Box- Dennis Pearson made a motion to accept the bid of $600.00 Stephanie Sewell seconded, motion passed unanimously.
2000 Pickup with utility box- Tuck Liebl made a motion to accept the highest bid of $4999.00, Justin McLoud seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Property on Luther Street- Justin McLoud made a motion to accept the highest bid of $5100.00, Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Stop Sign- Due to high traffic and speeds that an alleyway is getting on the west side of town, the council was asked if they would approve of putting a stop sign on the north end of this alley. After discussion, it was decided that it would be best to add a stop sign, and possibly a second one further down the alley if the problem continues.
Bring Up Items
Adjournment- Meeting was adjourned at 6:10
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Robin Fox, Town Clerk