Eads High School implements remote learning due to positive COVID-19 case
Parents and Students,
Due to a positive COVID-19 case at Eads High School, all high school students were released Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. and will be transitioning to remote learning from December 10 through December 17.
Eads Elementary School and Eads Middle School will continue with in-person learning.
Eads High School has been in constant communication with the local public health department. All students or staff that are being asked to quarantine have already received a phone call or voice mail from Public Health. If you did not receive a phone call, then your student is not required to quarantine.
Daily Class Schedule and what school is going to look for like for the Eads High School from December 10 through December 17. All high school students were able to take home all their books, materials, and Chromebook if they requested it.
We will begin having remote classes on Google Meets starting Thursday, December 10 and going through December 17. Your daily classes will be the same as they would be if we were in-person. Classes will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. Students will be required to login to google meets each hour at the beginning of class. I have included a copy of our class schedule. If a student does not log in, they will be counted absent for that hour. If a student is going to be absent, their parent will need to email Mrs. Britten or Mr. Bohlander just like they would on a normal school day. If you have technology issues during the school day, you need to stay in contact with your teacher.
I understand that remote learning is different from what we are used to doing, but our plan is to continue our instruction with Google Meets and Google Classroom each day. It is important that the students understand that they are going to be required to be in class each day from 8:00 to 4:00. Teachers will be sending out information on their classes through Google Classroom and Google Meets, so students be sure to keep checking your school email. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mr. Bohlander.
Bell Schedule
- 1 st Hour 8:00 – 8:59
- 2 nd Hour 9:02 – 9:55
- 3 rd Hour 9:58 – 10:53
- 4 th Hour 10:56 – 11:49
- 5 th Hour 11:52 – 12:45
- Lunch 12:45 – 1:17
- 6 th Hour 1:20 – 2:09
- 7 th hour 2:12 – 3:04
- 8 th Hour 3:09 – 4:00
Brian Bohlander, High School Principal
Kiowa County School District RE-1