Eads School Plans Eclipse Viewing for Students
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We will be watching the Solar Eclipse on Monday, August 21st. As a school, we will be eating a sack lunch (provided from the cafeteria) on the football field. We would encourage you to attend this event if you are able and enjoy this experience with us. If you would be interested in attending, please bring a lunch and join us! We will be providing your child with ISO Certified solar eclipse sunglasses, but we ask that you talk to your child about not looking directly into the sun and leaving the sunglasses on when looking at the eclipse. The school will be going out to the football field around 11:00 and should stay for about an hour. If you would like more information on this amazing experience, please use the NASA website:
https://www.nasa.gov/content/eye-safety-during-a-total-solar-eclipse to find more information on this experience. If you have any questions about this day please contact the school at 719-438-2214.
Eclipse map courtsey USFWS.