East End Events – October 15, 2019
Denis and Theresa Weber’s daughters, Connie and Linda, were down for a few days to visit with their folks and help do a few things around the place.
The Plainview Knowledge Bowl was well attended, with 24 teams competing. The senior class served a hamburger bar for lunch. Plainview tied for third place. Miss Fees and the Knowledge Bowl team members would like to thank everyone who helped make the day a success.
Susan Greenfield and Jeanie Smith went to Lamar Friday afternoon to shop, and then to Holly that evening to watch the football game.
Last weekend, Cathy Specht traveled to Hays, Kansas, to visit with her daughter, Becca, and family. While there, she helped her grandson, Braxton, celebrate his 5th birthday. Happy Birthday Braxton!
Kelvin and Amy Schmidt's daughter, Mikayla, and her husband, Joe, came last weekend for a visit with family and friends.
Cheri Hopkins spent last Saturday in Tribune watching her grandsons, Lincoln and Layton, play football.
My sister, Jerene, and her daughter, Gina, and her two boys, Dexter and Jett, came Sunday afternoon to visit Dick and me. When they left, they went to the Pumpkin Patch in Sheridan Lake to enjoy all the activities.
Terry and Jo Harris of Fountain and daughter, Stacy, and her children of Hugoton met at the Pumpkin Patch Sunday to enjoy the activities and visit with family and friends. It was lovely weather and lots of kids and parents enjoyed the afternoon at the Pumpkin Patch.
I would like to wish my hubby a very happy birthday on Monday!!
Well, I hope the cold weather is over and we can enjoy the rest of the fall season. I'm just not ready for winter! Have a great week!!