East End Events - June 11, 2019
Not much for news this week. Everyone is busy farming and getting machinery ready for harvest.
Vern and Joann Harris spent a couple of days in Colby, Kansas, this past week to celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on the longevity of your marriage. Not too many people have those bragging rights now days.
Susan Greenfield went to Sterling this past week and took her dad for an eye checkup. Hope you had a good one, Norm.
Congratulations to Lauren Weber on her marriage this past weekend.
Kathy and Korby Knutson and Connie Weber from Denver were here this past weekend to visit their parents, Denis and Theresa Weber.
My sis, Jerene DeBono, and I traveled to Garden City, Kansas, last Wednesday for some shopping, and I had an MRI on my knee. They very delicately informed me that my knee was bad due to wear and tear, otherwise known as "old age."
A baby shower for Bodey Scott Carney was held Sunday afternoon at the Towner Community Hall. About 20 ladies enjoyed the shower, which was based around a farm theme. Bodey will be a very well-dressed young man around town. His parents thank everyone for the nice shower and all the gifts.
Most of our area was thankful they missed out on the severe storms around this past week.
Have a great week!!