Farm Credit of Southern Colorado Elects New Board Members
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado recently held Board of Director elections by mail ballot for four positions on the Board.
Stockholders elected to serve three-year terms on the association’s Board include Jeff Uhland of Eads, Jim Crowder of La Junta, Mike Livingston of Stratton, and Sid Yoder of Karval.
The Board of Directors is comprised of 12 members: ten stockholder-elected directors and two appointed directors. The Board has authority and responsibility to direct the operations of the Association.
Elections were also held for the 2019 Nominating Committee. Committee members will include Kane Cody; Robert Harlow; Dustin Ridder; Scot Schaefer; and Matthew Seger.
The Nominating Committee will begin its work later this year to identify eligible stockholder candidates for the 2019 Director and Nominating Committee elections.