Food Safety Training for Home Food Sellers
The Colorado State University extension office in Pueblo is offering low-cost training for people interested in selling home-made foods. The training meets the requirements of the Colorado Cottage Food Act.
Two classes, entitled Cottage Food Safety Training, will be presented by Extension Agent Laura Krause. The first class will be October 3 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the CSU Extension Office, located at 701 Court Street, Suite C, in Pueblo. The class will be repeated November 7 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Participants will learn about foods that are permissible in the Cottage Foods Act, ingredient labeling requirements, as well as basic food safety for a home business. The registration fee is $40.
Register online at https://pueblo.extension.colostate.edu/cottagefoods/ or call 719-583-6566 for more information.