House Approves Gardner’s Bill to Measure Impact of Outdoor Recreation on U.S. Economy
The U.S. House of Representatives today approved Senator Cory Gardner’s (R-CO) Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act, a bipartisan bill that would inform policymakers and business leaders on the jobs created, and the consumer spending driven by, the outdoor recreation economy.
In April, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced the Federal Recreation Council will work with the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis to assess the economic impact of the outdoor recreation industry. Prior to this announcement, however, the federal government had never measured outdoor recreation’s impact on the nation’s economy despite estimations that this sector generates $646 billion in consumer spending each year and supports 6.1 million jobs. Gardner’s legislation will ensure this assessment is codified.
“The House’s approval of the Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act represents a step forward toward ensuring that the outdoor recreation industry’s impact on the economy is measured. This is important not only to states like Colorado, but to communities throughout the country who also know outdoor recreation as a way of life,” said Gardner. “My bill will highlight the industry’s economic benefit and allow policymakers to make more informed decisions, and I look forward to continue working with Senator Shaheen to further advance this legislation.”
The Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act is supported by over 60 organizations and businesses, including the Outdoor Industry Association and the U.S. Travel Association