How to Effectively Allergy-Proof Your Home
Allergies, at times, seem completely unavoidable, and finding any kind of relief can feel impossible. Fortunately, there are ways in which we can lessen the negative effects of allergies. It certainly takes some effort on our end, but knowing we have options is helpful. The first thing you should pay attention to is the place where you spend the most time—your home. We’ve made a short guide on different ways you can allergy-proof your home.
1. Clean Regularly
Neglecting to keep your home tidy causes those nasty allergens to build up, which in turn causes an increase in irritation. You should vacuum two or three times a week, thoroughly dust all surfaces, and put away any clutter.
2. Check for Mold
Mold is a powerful antagonist against anyone who suffers from allergies. It’s an unwelcome trigger, and you’ll want to be sure your house is free of it. Take steps to guard yourself against mold in order to provide relief. One thing to keep in mind is that just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
3. Regulate Humidity
You should ideally strive to keep humidity levels in your home between 30 and 50%. Both overly dry and overly wet environments can cause your allergies to act up, so you should prioritize maintaining humidity levels in your home.
4. Get Rid of Your Carpet
Several unwelcome allergens can shelter in the fibers of your carpet. Even if you vacuum regularly, you’re likely to still see a substantial amount of dust in your filter. If you can, try to avoid carpet altogether. A variety of affordable and eco-friendly flooring options can serve as welcome alternatives.
5. Cover the Garbage
You throw things in your trash for a reason: these items release several unpleasant elements into the air. We recommend that you always take the time to put the lid back on your garbage can. If your current trash can doesn’t have one, it’s an investment you’ll want to make.
6. Avoid Air Fresheners
Many air fresheners are packed with chemicals that smell good—but that would be the only favor they’re doing for our noses. Air fresheners that plug into the wall fill the room with harmful chemicals that do our senses more harm than good. Many candles also hold artificial scents that can irritate allergies. Try switching out any air fresheners and wax candles for soy-based candles.