How to Make Money This Winter
It’s no secret that income in certain industries can take a hit during the winter. If you find yourself in this predicament, here are some creative ways to make money this winter.
Run errands for the homebound
During snowstorms (which are inevitable during a Colorado winter), you can turn the bad roads into profit. All you need is a reliable four-wheel-drive car and time. Finding clients won’t be extremely difficult as this industry operates mainly on word-of-mouth advertising. When snow or extremely cold days are in the forecast, reach out to your neighbors and let them know you are available. Ask them to spread the word to any elderly or disabled individuals they may know as well as those without transportation. You can also offer to drive homebound people to places. Doctor appointments don’t stop just because of some cold and snow! While pay rates differ based on the region for this type of work, you could charge anywhere from $12 to $25 an hour. Base your rate on driving distance and task difficulty.
Plow driveways and local business lots
Many residential and commercial properties employ plowing services every season. You can easily offer your own by renting or buying a used small skid steer. While the initial investment may seem large, it will pay for itself in a single season if you work close to a full schedule. For plowing, you can charge local businesses between $50 and $100 an hour and residential driveways between $25 and $75 an hour. Always evaluate the difficulty before quoting your price. In a single season, working five hours a day, you could make between $14,000 and $56,000 depending on clientele availability, rate, and your desired work hours.
Take up babysitting
Snow days can be a nightmare for working parents. Most need back-up care for their kids when the school calls off for the day, so the demand for caregivers is high. This is a great wintertime gig because it doesn’t require initial investment (unless you decide to get CPR certified, which some caregivers get to increase their market value). Depending on your childcare experience, region, and education/certifications, you can charge anywhere between $10 and $25 an hour. If you have an early childhood education degree and/or any relevant certifications, you should be charging at least $20 an hour.