Kiowa County Clerk’s Primary Election Notes
Ballots for the June 25, 2024, Election were mailed the week of June 3, 2024, to all active eligible electors. If you have not received your ballot by June 17, 2024, contact our office at 719-438-5421. June 25, 2024, Election will be conducted as an all-Mail Ballot Delivery Election. The ballot you receive in the mail is your Official Election Ballot.
Here is how it works:
- You will receive two ballots in your packet, one Democratic ballot and one Republican ballot.
- Choose ONLY ONE of these ballots and fill it out. Discard the ballot you won’t use.
- Sign your return envelope and return your ONE voted ballot in the return envelope.
Sending in two voted ballots will disqualify all of your votes. Your vote in this election will not affiliate you with a political party.
If you are affiliated with a minor party, you will receive a ballot that only contains the Congressional District 4 Vacancy question.
Ballots may be voted and returned to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office any time after receiving the ballot in the mail. It is not necessary to wait until Election Day to vote.
*Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office Election Department will be open on Saturday, June 22, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ballot drop off, replacement ballots, unaffiliated electors to declare party affiliation and obtain a ballot.
- You will receive in the mail your official ballot, secrecy sleeve with instructions and a return envelope.
- Unaffiliated voters your ballot packet will contain both Democratic and Republican Party ballots. ONLY RETURN ONE!
- Use a blue or black ink pen that will not bleed through the paper to vote your ballot.
- To vote for a candidate whose name appears on the ballot, completely fill in the oval next to your choice.
- If you do not want to vote the entire ballot, simply mark your selections, and leave the rest blank.
- After marking your ballot, place the ballot inside the secrecy sleeve that came with your ballot.
- Check both sides of the ballot to see if there is content on both sides.
- Place the ballot and the secrecy sleeve in your return envelope addressed to Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder, PO BOX 37, Eads, CO 81036
- Before sealing the envelope, please sign the signature affidavit located on the back of the envelope. This is required in order for your ballot to be processed. We must compare every signature to make sure that the intended voter was the one who signed the envelope.
- Drop your ballot off at the Kiowa County Clerk & Recorder’s Office at 1305 Goff Street Eads, CO 81036, located on the first floor, of the Courthouse or,
- Drop your ballot in the 24/7 drop box located on the west side of the Courthouse parking lot (no postage necessary).
- You may also mail your ballot using the envelope provided (adequate postage will be required) do not mail after June 17, 2024, as POSTMARKS DO NOT COUNT!
BallotTrax is a free service for Kiowa County Voters that allows you to track the status of your ballot online, as well as receive messages by text, phone or email when your ballot has been sent to you and received by our Elections Division. Kiowa County voters may sign up at votekiowacounty.ballottrax.net
For election question please call the Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office at 719-438-5421.
The Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office will be open Friday June 14, 2024 and Friday June 21, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. We will resume regular office hours after June 25, 2024.