Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2018
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioner’s regular meeting was called to order at 09:00 a.m. on May 24, 2018 by Chairman Richard Scott. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Those in attendance:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended, with one addition. Motion carried. An addition was made to New Business: Mike Schneider proposed vacating a street and alley in Brandon, CO.
Grant Update: McLoud reported on the Murdock Project and the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation has interest in the continuation of a grant for the Murdock Project.
There will be a work session on June 18, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in regards to the GOCO Grant Application for the fairgrounds and further discussion will takes place on the status of the repairs being done at the fairgrounds.
Adamson said the Recycling Grant had been denied.
Extension Report: Extension Agent Jeremy McNeely entered the meeting to provide a monthly report and to provide notice of his resignation effective July 1, 2018. He has accepted a new position with the Fremont County Extension Office. McNeely did state that he will be back to Kiowa County to assist with the county fair. McNeely thanked the BOCC for the time he has served as extension agent for Kiowa County. McNeely exited the meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Frank Miller and Chad Sager with Bartlett Grain Company L.P. entered the meeting at 9:55 a.m. in regards to the Public Hearing for vacating the alley in Block 2 and 1stStreet North of Highway 96 in Towner, Colorado. Scott moved and Oswald seconded motion to recess the regular the meeting at 10:00 a.m. and move into the Public Hearing for vacating a Street and Alley in Towner, Colorado. Motion carried. Lane Stum entered the meeting as an interested party. There was no verbal or written opposition in regards to the vacating of the street and alley. Bartlett and Stum both feel this will be a positive move for both businesses. Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to adjourn the public meeting at 10:03 a.m. Motion carried. Scott moved and McLoud seconded to the motion to move back into regular session at 10:03 a.m. Motion carried. Scott read Resolution 2018-3 in regards to vacating of First Street and the alley near Bartlett elevator. Adamson said from the center line of the street will revert back to the land owners who are Bartlett and Thunderbird. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to adopt Resolution 2018-3. Motion carried. Miller, Sager, and Stum thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting at 10:22 a.m.
Landfill Update/CDPHE Letter: Administrator Adamson reported that Collectia has three roll offs that are available. Collectia will sell three 10 yard roll offs for $500.00 a piece. The Town of Eads can not unload these roll offs as they are too big. Oswald questioned what was available to unload these roll offs. Discussion followed. Oswald further discussed the need of a compactor for the landfill. The average price for a used compactor is $175,000.00. No decisions were made.
Fairgrounds and Lakes Update: Terry Howland with Amity Ditch had reported that they are draining all of Upper and Lower Queens Lakes. It is reported they had to do this so they can repair the dam. They are also releasing water out of NeeNoshe.
The Commissioners agreed they will pay $700.00 per month for Lake Clean Up to the Road and Bridge Department.
Oswald discussed the fairgrounds in regards to the electrical work that needs to be done.
Adamson said she will contact Maintenance Foreman Mike Crain and see what work has to be completed before Billy Koehler begins the repair work on the bar-b-que pit.
Assistant Position: Oswald moved to offer the Administrative Assistant position to Shellie Engelhardt and McLoud seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Nathan Lowry with Pangaea Geospatial entered the meeting at 11:45 a.m. to discuss the possibility of doing geographical coordinates for Kiowa County. Lowry said he would get the data gathered and come back and present his information to the commissioners. If they decided they would like to purchase his information they could do so. Clerk Weeks said she would be in support of this for it would assist in creating addresses for people moving into the county and needing an address. Assessor Miller agreed this could be useful for her office as well. Emergency Manager, Witte entered the meeting concurred that this program would assist in locating someone if they were missing and also in confirming addresses in an emergency situation. The Commissioners agreed that Mr. Lowry could gather his information for Kiowa County and present it once he is done.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded to recess the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Motion carried. The regular meeting reconvened at 1:38 p.m.
EM: Theresa Witte, Emergency Manager reported that all the sirens are up and running this includes the remotes that set off the sirens. Witte has purchased a new siren system from Century Siren. The Funds to pay for this system came from the Grant
Witte questioned the board about road grader operators and fire fighter training. The Commissioners agreed that there should be some form of training for every road grader operator that assists with a prairie fire.
Witte discussed office space. Witte would like to have the space where Sheriff Sheridan is presently. Witte had been told of the reconstruction of the old jail space would be for office space for the Sheriff and Undersheriff. She explained she has five different locations she has to store her emergency equipment. Scott said he would like to visit with Witte and Undersheriff Six about this situation. Witte thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting.
Upcoming reports and meetings were discussed.
Public Health Office Location: Adamson asked if this is an option. Scott said he is not in favor of moving the Public Health Office but would like to hear what the childcare members have to say.
Mileage and Per Diem Rates: These line items will be reviewed for the 2019 budget.
Childcare Meeting: Jan Richards (KCEDF), Jennifer Crow, Tina Kraft, Debi Derby, Shawn Kraft and Kayla Murdock, Board Members for the daycare facility entered the meeting to discuss a childcare facility. Richards spoke on behalf of the childcare group reporting that the facility could run through her 501C3. Shawn Kraft, Childcare Board member explained the importance of a daycare facility for this area and the personal effects it will have on his family if there is nowhere to take his children. Dennis Pearson, Social Service Director was able to do a telephone conference with the BOCC and explained that the county still has unspent TANF funds that could be used for the start up of a daycare. Discussion followed. Jan Richards continued with conversation of moving the Public Health Office to the upper portion of the building it is presently in. Richards explained if there was to be infants in the daycare they would have to be on the first floor. Infants can not be cared for on the second floor per state regulations. Scott said he had concerns over moving Public Health upstairs. Adamson will be contacting Public Health, JoLynn Idler to review the office space and provide information as to what the needs are to see if they would be interested in moving their office or would need to remain on the first floor to be more assessable. The childcare members exited the meeting at 3:40 p.m.
Mull Drilling ROW Permit: Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the Right Of Way permit. Motion carried.
Teresa Witte, Emergency Manager and Undersheriff Jake Six were brought in to discuss office space. Scott will have the two return to the next meeting to see if they have agreed upon the office space.
Fair Board member, Bart Michael entered the meeting to discuss the Special Events License they will need to have in order to serve beer at the fairgrounds. Michael also presented a map showing where the beer garden will be fenced. The Special Events Permit request will go through the Commissioner’s Office for approval.
Employee Evaluations: Adamson said in order to be incompliance for the CSBG Grant employee evaluations needed to be performed. There was further discussion but no action taken.
Mike Schneider brought in a request to vacate a street and alley in Brandon, Colorado which is located in Blocks 18 and 19 in Brandon. Adamson will contact Hedke’s, the adjacent landowner, to see if there is any dispute over this request.
With no other discussion, Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk
Richard Scott, Chairman