Kiowa County DSS and Salvation Army announce Christmas projects
Kiowa County Department of Social Services is aware that 2020 has been a challenging and difficult year for many families due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, drought, and a decrease in employment opportunities. The Department wants to ensure that our Christmas Project is open to all Kiowa County families who are facing additional hardships this upcoming holiday season. Historically, the Christmas Project has reached out to families who are on Public Assistance; but this year with the help of our community and the Giving Trees; the Department is hoping to reach additional families in need.
The Christmas Project
The Department of Social Services, in partnership with the Salvation Army, gathers information from families with children in the home (Age 0 up to 12th grade). This information includes what the child needs/wants for Christmas this year. Each child receives two gifts; One is a clothing tag (1 outfit) and the other is a toy or miscellaneous item chosen from the list that they will provide. Two different anonymous tags for these gifts are made and hung on a “Giving Tree” for a generous person in the community to take and shop for. The unwrapped gifts, along with the tags, are returned to the Department and wrapped for the child. The Department tries to ensure equality within sibling groups; so that one child does not have more than the other. “Giving Trees” are located throughout the communities within Kiowa County. If you are a family in need or know of a family who would benefit from this project; please contact the Department of Social Services, at 719-438-5541. When you call please have a contact number for the family, along with household details (such as number of children in the home and address).
Food Baskets
The Department of Social Services, in partnership with the Eads FFA Chapter, will distribute a food basket to our elderly and/or disabled residents of Kiowa County. In previous years, these baskets have been available to families who qualify for Food Assistance. So far, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, families who qualify for Food Assistance are now receiving the maximum allotment for Food Assistance. This holiday season, the Department wishes to shift our focus on the elderly and/or disabled residents or possibly families that are experiencing some hard times and not on Food Assistance. If you are elderly/disabled or know someone who could benefit from this food basket; please contact the Department of Social Services at 719-438-5541. Please be prepared with the following information: Name of person in need and physical address for delivery.
Please submit your requests for participation in either the Christmas Project or the Food Basket to the Department by the end of business day October 9, 2020.
As always, Kiowa County DSS appreciates the generosity of Kiowa County residents. Every year, the community steps up to help all of these families in need. It is just a piece of what makes Kiowa County such a special community to live in.
Stay tuned for canned food drives and locations of “Giving Trees!”
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