Kiowa County Fire Protection District Meeting Minutes - March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Jay Specht called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm. Those present at the meeting were:
Jay Specht, President
Marvin Watson, Vice President
Teresa Witte, Treasurer
Terry Riley, Director
Karen Jones, Secretary
Delton Eikenberg, Director, was absent due to family illness. Also attending were Darrell Hollis, AJ Bolin & District Chief AJ McCracken.
There were no additions to the Agenda. Terry moved to accept the Agenda as submitted, Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
The Minutes from meeting on 2/20/2018 were reviewed by all, and Teresa moved to accept the Minutes with no changes. Marvin seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Karen presented information regarding the upcoming May 8th election. The deadline has passed for nominations and we have three potential candidates for the two positions up for election, and they are Teresa Witte, Zachary Kopasz and Shannon Votruba. As DEO, Karen is required to draw lots in order to determine ballot order and the order will be:
Zachary Kopasz, Shannon Votruba and Teresa Witte. Karen and Jay signed a document required by law to certify the ballot as ordered.
Next Karen presented the two options we have for the election, a poll ballot or a mail-in ballot. The Poll ballot simply requires voters to come to the Courthouse on Election Day to cast their vote, with the exception of requesting an absentee ballot which they may mail in or drop off. This method is more stream lined with less statutory requirements and fewer documents and envelopes required to be printed. The Mail-in ballot requires multiple envelopes, a secrecy sleeve, instructions and several stamps for each and every voter's packet, as well as many more statutory requirements. The difference in cost will be thousands of dollars. After a few questions were answered Teresa made a motion that we proceed with the Poll ballot. Marvin seconded the motion and the motion carried. Karen will proceed with the Poll ballot.
AJ Bolin presented information regarding the process of billing towing companies for man-hours spent assisting with traffic control, clean up, etc on semi-truck incidents.
District Fire Chief AJ McCracken shared with the Board that the Eads Station has elected new officers, and they are:
AJ Bolin, Chief
Blaine Winder, Assistant Chief
Cody Fry, Secretary/Treasurer
Chief McCracken also discussed his efforts in putting together recent training events, as well as working with each station in the District to insure they have officers and a chain of command. He is also working on Mutual Aid agreements and has spoken with Air Med regarding training for our area. He will work with Teresa as Emergency Manager in order to facilitate this event.
Karen presented several bills needing to be paid along with an accounting of current balances. All members reviewed each one. All bills were approved for payment with the motion made by Terry, second by Marvin, and the motion carried.
Next Karen raised a concern with our insurance policies because both the Collision and the Property policies currently have a $500.00 deductible. She said that, should we desire to raise the deductibles, the District could save money. It was decided to raise the Collision coverage to the maximum of
$1,000.00, and the Property policy to $2,500.00. A motion to approve this was made by Marvin, seconded by Terry, and it was approved.
Discussion was then focused on IGA's with Towns. The Haswell lGA will be presented to the Haswell City Council next week by Teresa and Marvin. Karen will draft a Bill of Sale and obtain an inventory list prior to the meeting. The Eads IGA will be presented by Terry at the Eads Council meeting next week, and she will draft the Bill of Sale and inventory list and get it to Terry. Chief McCracken emphasized that getting these IGA's is extremely important for the ISO ratings that he is working on.
Lastly, Karen explained that the deadline for filing our Request for Exemption from Audit with the State of Colorado is March 31st• She has spoken to Mandy about completing the Request and presented to the Board the Resolution for Exemption from Audit for 2017. The Resolution was read and reviewed by all, followed by a motion to approve the Resolution made by Terry, seconded by Marvin, and approved. Karen will get with Mandy to insure it is filed in a timely manner.
Then Karen requested that the Board enter into an Executive Session in order to discuss a Personnel issue pursuant to Sec. 24-6-402(4)(f), CRS. A motion was made accordingly by Terry, seconded by Marvin, and it was approved. Executive session began at 8:55pm, and ended at 9:30pm.
Terry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Teresa seconded it and the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:36 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20th at 7 pm at the Courthouse.
/s/ Karen Jones, Secretary
/s/ Jay Specht, President