Kiowa County Hospital District Board meeting minutes - May 24, 2022
BOARD MEETING May 24, 2022
The Kiowa County Hospital District Board met in regular session on May 24, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.
District Board members present were Pam Cole, Doug Uhland, Mary Eikner, Karl Eikenberg, and Matt Prince.
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Jeanette Filpi, Rachel Bletzacker, Renay Crain, Claire Prince, Ken Flory, Shaelynn Compton, Cindy McLoud, Betsy Barnett, and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Mary Eikner, Vice Chairman of the Board at 6:30 pm.
Matt Prince, Karl Eikenberg, Doug Uhland, and Pam Cole were sworn in by Mary Eikner as District Board Members.
A motion was made by Pam Cole to nominate Matt Prince as Chair. Doug Uhland seconded the motion. All aye.
Doug Uhland made a motion to nominate Karl Eikenberg as Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
A motion was made by Doug Uhland to nominate Pam Cole as Secretary-Treasurer. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.
A motion was made by Doug Uhland to approve the April 26, 2022 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.
Members of the outgoing Board were thanked for their efforts.
Mike Rowe with Stockman, Kast, Ryan, and Company presented the 2021 audit report to the Board. This year's audit was more extensive as KCHD required a single audit as a result of Provider Relief Funds. A motion was made by Pam Cole to accept the 2021 audit as presented. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
A motion was made by Pam Cole to approve the agenda after the addition of public comment as item 12. The motion was seconded by Doug Uhland. All aye.
Going forward, public comment will occur at the beginning and end of each meeting.
Dr. Jeremy DeWall was approved for temporary privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Ross Barner was
approved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. David Costantino was approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. Motion to approve as presented by Mary Eikner. Seconded by Doug
Uhland. All aye.
Med Staff Bylaws Section 5.3 was amended to update the list of current providers that can perform medical screening examinations. Motion made by Pam Cole and seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.
The Board reviewed the summary of changes to the Fiscal, Carbapenem-Resistant Entrobacterales (CRE), and Radiology/Ultrasound QC control policies. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. The Board would like to review policies/procedures prior to signing so these will be tabled for the time being.
The outgoing Board was thanked for their service.
Board members were given binders containing Board job descriptions, code of conduct, confidentiality, conflict of interest disclosure forms along with the current Special District Association Manual and the KCHD Bylaws.
After discussion, it was decided to form a finance committee. A motion was made by Doug Uhland to create a finance committee consisting of Pam Cole and Matt Prince. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.
The Board received a written report from the CFO.
The April financials were reviewed and showed a profit for the month and year to date. In April, days cash on hand was 230 and days in AR was 109.
The Board signed the signature cards for the appropriate banking accounts.
The dietary department is now offering a salad bar as a lunch option. A motion was made by Pam Cole to purchase a salad bar for $5,915. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
A walk through was conducted after the installation of the Cam Net/WestCom system.
KCHD will be partnering with UC Health to offer educational opportunities to staff.
Eastern Plains Healthcare Consortium (EPHC) provided Health One money that is to be used to provide tele psych and tele stroke services at KCHD. Other options are available and will be researched.
The 340B program is being reviewed. Staff will participate in a training. Susan Ferree, our pharmacist is willing to assist with program implementation.
The Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) has funds available that can be used to purchase an automatic medication dispenser. Different options are being reviewed.
Reach also known as Care Connect and UC Health Lifeline are two air medical services that assist KCHD with patient care. Both services have blood product available.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
Reporting on quality, safety, and compliance will occur each quarter or more often as needed.
The clinic renovations continue. The exam tables and vaccine refrigerator have been ordered but have not yet arrived.
The State VFC/COVID compliance site visit went very well.
Case presentations continue to occur weekly with clinic staff. The review of clinic flow and processes is ongoing. The goal is to increase efficiencies while providing consistent coverage. At this time, the volume would not support a third provider.
The project is still on track to be completed by November of2022
The canvas board certified the election results. Oaths will be submitted to the State.
KCHD has had several follow up calls regarding the CDS request for a new facility. The request has made it through the initial round and is being passed on to the next level for consideration.
Jason McCormick of the McCormick, Chase, and May Advisory Group will be coming to KCHD to provide training for the Board and Leadership in June.
The CEO position has been posted and to date there have been four applications received. It was recommended that a CEO recruitment committee be formed. A motion was made by Doug Uhland to form a CEO recruitment committee consisting of Matt Prince and Mary Eikner. Motion was seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
Kiowa County Independent will be printing biographies for the Docs Who Care providers. There were several comments wishing the new Board the best of luck.
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 pm. Mary Eikner made the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Pam Cole. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Pam Cole, Secretary-Treasurer