Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes – August 25, 2020
August 5, 2020
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on August 25, 2020 at 6:36 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room and also via Zoom. At this time, individuals can attend the meeting via Zoom or in person.
District Board members present were: Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields, Cathryn Anderson, Meghan Buck and Priscilla Waggoner.
County Board members present were: Ken Flory, Craig Kerfoot and Dale Back. Absent: Kevin Davis and Whitney Barnett (called).
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Char Korrell, Ellen Lane, Dawn Back, Renay Crain, Jessica Hyman and Beth Spady.
Call To Order
The meeting was called to order by Sylvia Shields, Chairman of the Board at 6:36 pm.
County Voting Member Selection
Ken Flory, Craig Kerfoot and Dale Back.
Approval Of Minutes
A motion was made by Ken Flory to approve the July 28, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
Approval Of Agenda
A motion was made by Priscilla Waggoner to approve the agenda as presented. Motion seconded by Cathryn Anderson. All aye.
Public Comment
No one was present for public comment.
Dr. Christopher Pettis and Dr. Viral Patel were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Chelsea Jeranko was granted temporary privileges. A motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to approve all credentialing as presented above and seconded by Ken Flory. All aye.
Policies & Procedures
The Board reviewed and discussed the summary of our policy and procedure revisions for both the Social Services and Emergency Department. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve all policies as discussed and seconded by Dale Back. All aye.
Standing Reports
The application deadline for the Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) has been pushed back. KCHD anticipates we will need to submit our proposal around February of 2021.
Congressman Ken Buck participated in a zoom meeting with members of the Eastern Plains Healthcare Consortium. The group discussed various issues pertaining to health care.
The July financials were reviewed and showed a loss for the month. In July, days cash on hand was 138 and days in AR was 100. KCHD is showing a profit for the year.
KCHD will be filing to have expenses forgiven under the Payroll Protection Act.
The Board reviewed a full-time equivalent report pertaining to staffing in each department.
After reviewing several options, KCHD purchased four refurbished beds for just under $20,000. KCHD staff continue their work on the new employee health requirements and sepsis audits.
Infection control will be implementing a campaign to promote good hand washing and hygiene among staff.
Staff are working on the Emergency Department Alternative to Opioids (ED ALTO) project as well.
Hospital Quality & Safety
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
Department Of Local Affairs (Dola) Grant Update
Adams Electric and Southeast Colorado Power Association (SECPA) are working with KCHD and Iconergy to remove several power poles, place lines underground, and place a new transformer on the KCHD campus.
Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation (KCEDF) Land Parcel
There are no new updates. The agreement is currently being reviewed by legal counsel.
COVID-19 Update
KCHD staff and local partners continue to meet via zoom twice a week to receive updates and discuss any changes to our planning process and protocols.
KCHD expects this year's order of influenza vaccine to arrive soon. There are concerns about COVID-19 and influenza season this fall.
KCHD may have the ability to offer rapid COVID-19 testing around September or October.
Clinic Office Space
The Board reviewed a few options for additional space but encouraged staff to research some other options before the Board would make a final decision.
Governing Board Orientation
Charlene Korrell invited each Board member to schedule a time to visit the Hospital to learn more about operations as well as the role and responsibility of being a Board member.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board Mary Eikner, Secretary-Treasurer