Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes – September 22, 2020
Kiowa County Hospital District & County Board Meeting
September 22, 2020
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on September 22, 2020 at 6:28 p.m. at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room and also via Zoom. At this time, individuals can attend the meeting via Zoom or in person.
District Board members present were:
- Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields, Cathryn Anderson, Meghan Buck.
- Absent: Priscilla Waggoner (called).
County Board members present were:
- Ken Flory, Craig Kerfoot, Kevin Davis and Dale Back.
- Absent: Whitney Barnett (called).
Others present:
- Shannon Dixon, Char Korrell, Ellen Lane, Dawn Back, Renay Crain, Jessica Hyman, Gloria Trosper, Krissy Ray and Beth Spady.
Call To Order
The meeting was called to order by Sylvia Shields, Chairman of the Board at 6:28 pm.
County Voting Member Selection
Dale Back, Ken Flory and Craig Kerfoot.
Approval Of Minutes
A motion was made by Craig Kerfoot to approve the August 25, 2020 minutes as presented after the correction of a spelling error. Motion seconded by Dale Back. All aye.
Approval Of Agenda
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agenda after the addition of a few items to include the ambulance department, equipment and DOLA grant submission. Motion seconded by Dale Back. All aye.
Public Comment
No one was present for public comment.
Dr. Chelsea Jeranko and Dr. Mahesh Atluri were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. A motion was made by Meghan Buck to approve all credentialing as presented above and seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
Policies & Procedures
The Board reviewed and discussed the summary of our policy and procedure revisions pertaining to the Emergency Department Alternative to Opioids (ED AL TO) project. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. A motion was made by Dale Back to approve all policies as discussed and seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
Standing Reports
The 340B Program was discussed. Medicare is contracting with Novitas to perform program integrity starting October 1, 2020.
Effective January of 2021, KCHD will need to meet new CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) transparency requirements. KCHD is working to obtain all current contract information so this information can be uploaded to our website.
TRC Partnerships has been working with KCHD staff to improve practices and efficiencies at both the clinic and hospital. TRC staff will complete three on site visits and work hands on with KCHD staff. One on site visit has been completed and was well received by KCHD staff.
KCHD has contacted three planners regarding the planning phase of a new KCHD campus. One facility planner has visited KCHD.
KCHD is having trouble with the existing television system which has been in place for sixteen years. KCHD is purchasing new receivers from Direct TV to address the ongoing issues. The new receivers have a five-year warranty.
The August financials were reviewed and showed a profit for the month. In August, days cash on hand was 135 and days in AR was 100.
The Payroll Protection Act paperwork has been submitted for consideration.
The Board reviewed a full-time equivalent report pertaining to staffing in each department.
CNA staff participated in and completed the annual skills fair. The skill fair for nursing staff will be held in November.
KCHD patients will be receiving the high dose influenza vaccine by the end of this week.
Influenza vaccine should be available for staff and the community in the upcoming weeks.
Hospital Quality & Safety
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. Various measures including infection rate, medication errors, and falls were reviewed by the Board.
Old Business
Department Of Local Affairs (Dola) Grant Update
Adams Electric and Southeast Colorado Power Association continue to work on the electrical.
KCHD is now accepting bids on the roof component and will make a final decision soon.
Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation (Kcedf) Land Parcel
The KCEDF Board meets on Wednesday so we anticipate having a document to review at the next Board meeting.
COVID-19 Update
KCHD staff and local partners continue to meet via zoom weekly to receive updates and discuss any changes to our planning process and protocols.
There is one positive case in Kiowa County.
Staff have been working on a new triage area located next to the Annex building. KCHD is utilizing one of our emergency preparedness trailers as the new triage space during the week. The emergency department triage area will be utilized during the evenings and on weekends.
Clinic Office Space
After researching several options, a motion was made by Ken Flory to rent an office trailer for $500/month. The motion was seconded by Craig Kerfoot. Motion carries. The trailer will be placed to the east of Eads Medical Clinic and will offer additional space for staff.
New Business
2021 Budget
A preliminary budget was presented to the Board for 2021. KCHD staff will be working to gather information from each department regarding capital items as well as day to day expenses.
Discussions regarding the relationship between KCHD and the Ambulance Department will be tabled until the next Board meeting.
Department Of Local Affairs (Dola) Grant Proposal
After discussion, the Board approved the submission of the second phase of the DOLA grant that will include the Solar Array. KCHD will match 25% of the $62,000 grant and will submit the proposal by October 1, 2020. Motion made by Ken Flory and seconded by Mary Eikner.
Opposed: Kevin Davis. Motion carries.
KCHD is requesting the purchase of a pharmaceutical grade refrigerator for the storage of vaccines. A motion was made by Ken Flory to purchase the refrigerator for $5,277. Motion seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
Staff are requesting the purchase of a BioFire lab machine that will allow for testing of influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, respiratory panels, and rapid COVID. The BioFire machine could be set up in the new space that will be utilized for lab. A motion was made by Ken Flory to purchase the BioFire machine for $58,650 which includes a one-year warranty. Motion was seconded by Craig Kerfoot. All aye.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Board Meeting 09.22.20
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Mary Eikner, Secretary-Treasurer