Kiowa County Public Library offering free KN95 masks and rapid at-home testing kits
In mid-January the State of Colorado announced that they would be offering KN95 and surgical grade masks for free at public libraries and other community sites across the state that agreed to be local distribution sites. Because this program has been incredibly successful, on February 22, 2022 the state announced that they would be expanding their free Rapid At-Home Testing program to include a community distribution model like the mask program.
The Kiowa County Public Library District is a local distribution site for both programs! We have masks and test kits available today! Any interested person wishing to utilize these programs can visit the library (enter through Courthouse north door) to pick up their free KN95 masks and/or Rapid At-Home Testing Kits during our regular hours.
Library Hours:
- Saturday – Monday: Closed
- Tuesday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Mask Information:
- Five masks per person, per month
- Each person is encouraged to be present at the time of pickup
For more information and a complete list of mask distribution sites visit:
Rapid At-Home Testing Kit Information:
- Four test kits (8 tests total) per person
- Each person is encouraged to be present at the time of pickup
- The tests being distributed through the local distribution program are iHealth Labs over the-counter COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests
- Tests take 15 minutes to provide results. Once results are available, individuals should review the instructions on how to interpret & report results at:
For more information or questions:
Visit -
Email -
Call the state COVID-19 call center at 1-877-268-2926