Kiowa County Sheriff's Office arrest and summons report - December 2018
December 8, 2018, Deputies contacted Heather Jackson. Deputies confirmed Jackson had a warrant and she was taken into custody. Jackson was transported to the Prowers County Jail. | |
Friday, December 11, 2018, Deputies contacted a vehicle for speeding 76 miles per hour in a posted 65 miles per hour zone on Highway 287. Upon further investigation, deputies discovered the driver, Brandon Cornish, had a cancelled/denied license. Deputies issued Cornish a summons in violation of Colorado Revised Statute 42-4-1101 speeding 76 MPH in a posted 65 MPH zone. 42-2-138(1)(a) drove vehicle when license cancelled/denied. | No photo available. |
Wednesday, December 16, 2018, Deputies contacted a vehicle for speeding 77 miles per hour in a posted 65 mile per hour zone on US Highway 287. Upon further investigation, deputies discovered the driver, Andy Price, had a restraining order on the female passenger in the vehicle. Deputies took Mr. Price into custody and transported him to the Baca County Jail. Mr. Price was issued a summons for violation of Colorado Revised Statue 42-4-1101(1) speeding 77 miles per hour in a posted 65 mile per hour zone and 18-6-803.5(1)(a) Violation of a Protection Order. | |
Friday December 18, 2018, Deputies contacted a vehicle for speeding 93 miles per hour in a posted 65 mile per hour zone on Highway 96. Deputies issued the driver, Jerry Johnson, a summons in violation of Colorado Revised Statutes 42-4-1101(1) Speeding 93 miles per hour in a posted 65 mile per hour zone. | No photo available. |
December 21, 2018, Deputies contacted Josh Brown. Deputies confirmed Brown had a warrant and he was taken into custody. Brown was transported to the Prowers County Jail. | |
Tuesday, December 22, 2018, Deputies contacted a William White for speeding 81 miles per hour in a posted 65 miles per hour zone on Highway 287. Upon further investigation, Deputies discovered the driver’s license was revoked for refusal. Deputies issued Mr. White a summons in violation of Colorado Revised Statute 42-4-1101 speeding 81 MPH in a posted 65 MPH zone. 42-2-138(1)(a) drove vehicle when license revoked/refusal. | No photo available. |
December 23, 2018 Deputies contacted Glenn Rains Jr. for speeding 98 mph in a posted 65 mph zone. Rains was cited and released on model traffic code for Speed, 42-4-1101(1) and Reckless Driving, 42-4-1401(1) | No photo available. |
December 27, 2018, Deputies contacted Shonie Mayo. Deputies confirmed Mayo had a warrant, took Mayo into custody, and transported her to the Prowers County Jail. Mayo was also charged with Driving vehicle while license revoked 42-2-138(1)(a), Possession of a controlled substance 18-18-403.5(2)(a), Possession of drug paraphernalia 18-18-428(1)(a) and Bail bond violation 18-8-212(1). |