Kiowa County switches emergency dispatch services
Kiowa County has recently changed services for dispatching law enforcement, firefighters and emergency medical services. After many years of contract dispatching with Bent County, Kiowa County is now using Rocky Ford Communications Center in Otero County.
Most emergency service agencies in Colorado use a shared, statewide radio system, so no equipment changes are needed.
The change in dispatch centers also results in a change in the telephone alert system used to notify people in Kiowa County about severe weather, evacuations, and other emergencies. While traditional landline telephones may be automatically enrolled in the new system, cell phones must be registered by each person. People who wish to continue receiving emergency notification, signing up for the new system is required. There is no additional cost to add your phone numbers to the system. Online signup is available at https://www.onsolve.com/landing/sign-up-for-codered-emergency-alerts/.
Signup takes just minutes. Emergency alerts can also be set to include text messages as well as email.
For people who may need assistance registering for the new emergency alert system, there will be in-person sign up opportunities February 17 or March 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Eads Senior Citizens Center, located at 1305 Maine Street in Eads.