LCC Agriculture Department Named Top Postsecondary Program in Colorado
The Lamar Community College Agriculture department recently received the 2018 Outstanding Postsecondary Program Award for Colorado Agricultural Education. Greg Cash, LCC faculty and department head, accepted the award from the Colorado Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association at the group’s summer conference.
The award recognizes exemplary two-year postsecondary institutions and full-time young farmer and adult agriculture education programs. LCC’s program was selected based on nominations from throughout the state via the CVATA officer team.
“LCC has a long history in agriculture education, but Greg and his team have evolved and strengthened the program to address modern methods and technologies,” LCC President Linda Lujan said. “So I’m not surprised by the recognition of this exceptional program.”
Under the direction of Greg Cash, LCC’s annual Career Development Day has grown to include nearly 800 students from FFA chapters throughout Colorado and Oklahoma. LCC Agriculture also hosts an FFA Creed Speaking contest each year and workshops on campus for agriculture instructors.
“Receiving this award is really quite an honor. We have worked really hard to grow and improve our Agriculture program here at Lamar Community College,” Cash said.
This award also nominates the LCC Agriculture program to represent CVATA and the state of Colorado to the National Association of Agriculture Educators for the NAAE Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program Award.
“I’m very excited for Greg and his team. They don’t do this work for the recognition. For them it’s all about the students and the agriculture industry.” Dr. Lujan said. “The growth and evolution of this program is a testimony to their commitment to both.”