Mike Johnson Memorial team sorting held
The first annual Mike Johnson Memorial Team Sorting was held Saturday July 17, 2021.
Mike was loved and respected by many and was always one of the first people to jump in and lend a hand to someone in need.
Team sorting was one of Mike’s many favorite activities and any time he could get people, especially kids, involved was a great day for Mike.
There were 92 teams participated in the Team Sorting this year. In the evening, family and friends had a potluck dinner and enjoyed each other’s company telling stories and jokes, which was also a favorite activity of Mike’s.
Martha and the girls sponsored buckles for top winners in each of the three categories.
- First place buckles went to Cody Fox and Pete Danko in the Open division.
- Josh Weimer and Traite Weimer in the Mixed division.
- Braya Ferris and Traite Weimer in the Youth division.
- Second placings went to Cody Fox and Tyler Hainer in the Open.
- Josh Weimer and Garrett Hainer in the Mixed.
- Traits Weimer and Garrett Hainer in the Youth.
- Third place went to Flinn Smith and Morgyn Johnson in the Open.
- Morgan Johnson and Braxtyn Ferris in the Mixed.
- Braxton Ferris and Traite Weimer tied with Braxtyn Ferris and Braya Ferris in the Youth.
There were two halters with custom made nose plates given as “Martha’s Choice” awards.
Shaylee Van Campen received one as this was her first ever participation in a Team Sorting. Mike would have been thrilled to encourage her to continue participating and learning something new.
Tearle Lessenden received the other for giving everyone the most entertainment of the day when his horse decided to buck in the pen. Mike would have been whooping and hollering the loudest continued to razz Tearle the rest of the day.
There were plenty of people who carried the razz out in honor of Mike.
Mike was well known for his involvement with the Kiowa County Fair Board and the business, J&J Liquor, he and his wife Martha own in Eads.
Mike and Martha are longtime supporters of the 4-H Council, High School sports, the Kiowa County Fair and Rodeo, as well as many, many other activities in the county.
All three of their daughters served as Kiowa County Royalty: Courtney 2010, Reagen 2017, and Morgyn 2018.
A huge Thank you goes out to everyone who joined us for fun, games, food, and friendship in honor of a great man who is never far from our thoughts and memories.