Notice is hereby given that final payment will be made on or after the 17th day of November, 2020, on a contract dated August 21, 2019 between the Sheridan Lake Water District (Owner) and Yocam Construction, LLC (Contractor) for the Water System Improvements - Schedule 1: General Water System Improvements project.
All persons, companies or corporations that have furnished labor, materials or other supplies or services used by Contractor under and in connection with said contract and whose claims have not been paid by the Contractor shall file with the Owner a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such a claim on or before the date of final payment stated above. Failure on the part of the claimant to file such settlement will relieve the Owner from any or all liability for such claim.
Owner: Sheridan Lake Water District
/s/ Garold Deines, President
First Publication: October 30, 2020
Second Publication: November 6, 2020
In the Kiowa County Press