
Pages from the Past - From the 138-year history of the Kiowa County Press - January 12, 2025
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago - January 8, 2010
- The Negley family was honored by the Colorado Section of the Society for Range Management with its Excellence in Rangeland Conservation Award.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: New Year’s Eve was the annual card party at the schoolhouse. There was a large crowd including young folks learning to play cards.
- East End Events- Sharon Scott: Several people enjoyed an evening of marbles on New Year’s Eve at the Towner Senior Citizens.
25 Years Ago - January 14, 2000
- SECPA is accepting nomination for Board of Directors. There are two Directors terms expiring, District 2-Bent County and District 6-Prowers County.
40 Years Ago - January 11, 1985
- Leonard & Virginia Sniff recently opened S & S Car Wash in Eads. It is located on Hwy 287 on the north side of Michael’s Truck Stop.
- Gail Crawford was recently named “Coach of the Year” by the Rocky Mountain News.
- Mrs. Hazel Cline of Cheyenne Wells celebrated her 90th birthday at Cheyenne Wells High School. There was a 5-generation picture taken of her, her daughter, grandson, great granddaughter and great great granddaughter all of Cheyenne Wells.
- Betty Shotton, pianist, and Doris Lessenden, soloist, presented the music for the opening of the Inauguration Ceremonies and the first 1985 session of the Colorado House of Representatives.
50 Years Ago - January 10, 1975
- Completion of the new Eastern Slope Telephone building and the addition of new equipment will allow everyone to have a private phone line.
- Postmaster Donald Durrett to retire from the US Postal System after 21 years of service.