
Pages from the Past - From our 131-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
April 18, 2003
- Bonnie Lessenden was named the 2003 Southeast Colorado Cattle Woman of the Year during the annual meeting in Rocky Ford.
- High winds blanketed the area with a blanket of dirt. A light rain shower and hail also reported in the county.
- Denver television sports personality Marcia Neville was in Eads to present trophies to the Eads High School girls and boys basketball teams.
25 Years Ago
April 21, 1993
- It was decided by the Eads Town Council to provide a trash Amnesty Day. After Amnesty Day, Town employees will go back to picking up only trash that is boxed or bagged as per Town Ordinance.
- Two fires in Kiowa County kept firefighters busy Saturday and Monday. The first fire occurred at the Wadley Ranch Road C & Road 49. For nearly 4 ½ hours firefighters from Eads, Lamar, Cheyenne Wells, Hasty & McClave, Wiley, Sheridan Lake, Towner & others battled the fire which consumed over 3 thousand plus acres. On Monday a fire reported to the Eads Fire Department located near the Kirk Barlow Ranch and spread to near the Bruce Lewis Ranch. The fire burned nearly 1000 acres of CRP and pasture southeast of Eads.
40 Years Ago
April 21, 1978
- Hospital Administrator John Rice submitted his resignation Tuesday night. Rice said his resignation came after he was issued an unofficial “ultimatum” by two members of the hospital board to “move to Eads by this board meeting or explain why he hasn’t”
- The ground water levels beneath the dryland areas of Kiowa County showed very slight drops in the past 4 years, though the 1978 change was upward in most of the rest of the Ogallala aquifer.
50 Years Ago
April 19, 1968
- All the fun, thrills & excitement of opening day at the races is in store for horsemen and fans alike when the Hi-Plains Racing Association presents their first racing at Buffalo Meadows Raceway in Cheyenne Wells.
- Eads High School Band, under the directions of Thomas Liesen, brought home honors from the Southern Division Colorado Instrumental & Vocal Music Festival held in La Junta. The band received a II rating in Class C and I rating in sight reading. The Eads Choir received a II. Note: the judges were not too liberal in giving out good ratings as II was the highest given out to any choir.
- Chivington News: Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brown spent Easter Sunday with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Merle Frazee & went rattlesnake hunting in the afternoon with only a small kill of eleven rattlers.
75 Years Ago
April 9, 1943
- The Weisbrod Memorial Hospital in Eads was opened April1 upon the arrival of Dr. R.E. Irish. According to plans at this time, the entire building will not be placed into service immediately but will be used as necessity may require & as equipment is available.
- Art Covey had the misfortune to lose his small truck in a fire at Denver. The machine had been taken to the garage for repairs, and a gasoline transport ran through the building, exploded and caught fire. Mr. Covey’s & five other trucks were destroyed.
100 Years Ago
April 12, 1918
- A patriotic and enthusiastic crowd gathered at Eads. The occasion being the Red Cross barbecue and auction sale.
- Elm trees are now being planted around the Eads high school building. The ground was loosened up with dynamite before the trees were set out.