
Pages from the Past - From our 132-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
January23, 2004
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: I just opened my birthday presents on the 19th, a national holiday, but I don’t think it’s because of me.
- Two new teachers were hired at Eads school midterm. Bob Seay took over all the music responsibilities and Bruce Hallman is the new math and science teacher at the high school.
25 Years Ago
January 26, 1994
- Sara Eder was presented with a plaque at Weisbrod Memorial Hospital to honor her 41 years as Registrar of Vital Statistics.
- About Town-Ida Lessenden: A tip of the hat to Dan Garner, who once again did a great job helping square away the dishes after the meal at the Eads Senior Citizen Pot Luck dinner.
40 Years Ago
January 26, 1979
- Tom Davis, owner and pharmacist of the Kiowa Drug, was elected president of the Eads Chamber of Commerce.
- Ronald A. Lujan, a 1968 Eads graduate, received a $150 invention award from the Westinghouse Hanford Co.
50 Years Ago
January 24, 1969
- Mrs. Mable Schoggen Jackson, Clerk of the District Court, was honored at a retirement dinner at the Eads Courthouse Meeting Room.
75 Years Ago
January 7, 1944
- A couple of weeks ago the Service Oil Company which has been operated since established by W.L. Greeson, closed its doors when he resigned. The establishment was reopened this week by W.H. Culver in the name of Culver’s Service.
- H.H. Hooker of Chivington has sold his farm-ranch to Elmer F. Barlow of Garden City. Mr. Hooker expects to move to Eads in the near future.