
Pages from the Past - From our 134-year Archives for April 18, 2021
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Year Ago
April 21, 2006
- Lana Peterson’s 5th grade class helped the Town of Eads celebrate Arbor Day by assisting in the planting of a new honey locust tree at the Horseshoe Park.
25 Years Ago
April 19, 1996
- Eastern Colorado wheat and alfalfa growers should keep an eye out for army cutworm infestations.
- Linly Stum asked the Plainview School Board to adopt a quote from Albert Einstein. “The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.”
- Kit Carson News- Ruby Lafferty: We really had blizzard weather. There was a terrible wind and blowing snow. Probably no more than four inches stayed. The rest went on by.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: We finally got some moisture, but it didn’t come gently, but it was wet. I spun the wheels on some of the wet stuff, which was a good feeling.
40 Years Ago
April 17, 1981
- The hole in the ceiling of Kiowa Drug is not a type of air conditioning system. For the 2nd time in less than a year, the Kiowa Drug was burglarized.
50 Years Ago
April 16, 1971
- Eads Consumer Supply and Eads High School were burglarized either late Thursday or Friday morning. In both cases, a considerable amount of damage and small amount of cash taken.
75 Years Ago
April 12, 1946
- Working in conjunction with the Eads Lions Club, a committee of local citizens, and taxpayers will soon prepare a circulate a petition to create a Cemetery District in Kiowa County. The proposed tract will be 24 mile wide by 34 miles long. The first such district proposed in Kiowa County.
100 Years Ago
April 15, 1921
- The second annual Kiowa County School Fair will be held for two days. The displays are being shown in the Courthouse and Whitelaw Hall. The exhibits show the progress the schools of the county are making.
- At the Town Board meeting, an ordinance licensing billiard hall, drays and taxicabs was passed.