
Pages from the Past - From our 134-year Archives for June 27, 2021
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Year Ago
June 30, 2006
- Plains Network Services, Inc., Kiowa County only locally-operated internet provider, announced a move to a new location. They have outgrown the current location.
- The 24th Annual Great Race will be making a pit stop in Lamar as part of its annual cross-country competition.
- Along with great fireworks this year, the Artists of the Plains Gallery will be selling great ice cream cones.
25 Years Ago
June 28, 1996
- The community of Sheridan Lake invites everyone to come out and partake in a 4th of July celebration that includes a parade, fireworks and picnic.
- East End Events- Ann Harkness & Co: A rapidly developing severe thunderstorm occurred in the Towner area. Rain, hail and high winds were reported. There was a tornado sighted just north of Plainview School.
40 Years Ago
June 26, 1981
- The Prairie Dog Café re-opened in Haswell after being closed for several months. Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Mitchell, along with daughters, Carrie, Dawna and Diana served the first cup of coffee around 6:30 am.
- Tom and Jan King officially reopened the doors of the Texaco Service Station. The station had been closed for several weeks.
- The Eads swimming pool officially opened for the season after several delays in completing the necessary repairs before it could open.
- From the Sheriff Desk- Floyd Griswould: Robert Jones of the County Extrication team and Deputies Lester Williams and Rod Johnson did a very fast job of disassembling the trailer to free the cattle.
50 Years Ago
June 25, 1971
- The Wm. A. (Bill) Barnett family suffered considerable misfortune when their rural home northwest of Eads burned to the ground. During a severe thunderstorm, lightning struck the Barnett residence. It is presumed that a gas pipe developed a small leak, allowing gas to accumulate under the floor. A pilot light from a hot water heater is thought to have ignited the first of several explosions.